Most bang for your buck LED


Well-Known Member
Need a little help from you LED experts, what have you guys found to be the best light on the market for the money?

Was checking out Pro Source and Magnum, is there anything that is just as good, but cheaper?

Been running 1000 watt HPS's for a long time, but I kinda want to do something different with the hot summer months coming up.

Any help would be much appreciated,



Well-Known Member
You might want to start with the stickie above for LED newbs....especially the first few pages.


Well-Known Member
Dude, no offence but we get about eleven billion of these threads - Read the sticky mate, and then post in the thread if you still have questions, you will get a lot better advice. A lot of the experienced LED doods will deliberately avoid answering you until you post in the right place.
I read the thread and it doesn't say a whole lot? Dont no a thing about PAR and diodes and all that tech stuff.

Im an old grower that doesn't really care about HOW the light was built, and I dont want to build a homebrew, I just want one that is really good and works well, then I'll take it from there:)

Im used to pullin 10+ zip plants out of my 6K HPS room, but want to experiment with a few LED's in a 5X5 tent to see if they're worth the investment.

Just an easy answer of what is good and proven to work well, from someone that has been there and done that is all im lookin for.
