Most effective methods against cold weather and frost...

Just wanted to start a thread where people can share theyre most effective methods to fight against cold weather, mainly cuz i personally need to know as much as i can about it. at the same time its just another topic to have a thread where people can share as much info about it as they can so i figured id be the one to make it..


Well-Known Member
I bought a large green house from lowes for about 200 or so, hung the lights and got some heaters and grew everything you can think of all winter long. Got a wireless thermostat and put receiver inside so I could mon temps and humid. I loved it, was puttng out dozens of heads of lettuce all winter long among other things. Was a lot of fun


Well-Known Member
No real secrets here... most times a frost or even a freeze is a one or two night deal then it warms back up sometimes for weeks without frost or freezing again... so, as gardeners know, if plants are in the ground you'll need to cover them with something - a bed sheet, tarp, etc. it keeps them warm enough to fend off the frost... uncover in the morning and their good to go till the next chance of frost.
Not much else you can do - if they're in buckets... bring them inside - even into a garage, shed etc.


Well-Known Member
Make a greenhouse with your own hands, and make a double wall. The double plastic wall will keep the temperature longer.


New Member
its easy put up some kind of fence around your plant that no leaves or tops stick out past and then put a garbage bag over that, just make sure there are no parts of your plant touching the bag them parts will freeze