Most important things to know when doing your first grow


Active Member
I'm a newbie too.

Common mistakes for new growers are overwatering, feeding too much, or feeding too soon. So watch out for those.


Well-Known Member
I would recommend to anyone getting into cultivation to pick up a grower's bible. They are filled with great information for beginners and are a great tool for guiding and educating growers. Go to the book store and cough up the 20-30 bucks for a grow bible. They are well worth it. You will find it lacking later, but for starting they are priceless.

Jorge Cervantes, "Marijuana Grower's Bible" is what I bought and it is great. I am not a science person and always had a hard time of it, but this book is easy to read and you don't have to read it all at once. You can read it section by section and follow along as your plants are growing to see where you are and what should be going on. It explains from Seed/Clone >> Veg >> Flower >> Harvest, indoor/outdoor, lighting, nutrients, soil, etc. and everything inbetween.


Well-Known Member
Good soil, adequate lighting, ventilation, humidity, and temperature. Don't overwater. Use a good line of nutes (organics all the way), and most importantly have some common sense. Growing dope requires extreme patience too. If you don't have patience, then don't even think about growing.

If you want the best results, educate yourself beforehand and buy the best seeds, soil, lighting, and whatever else that you can afford. Some might disagree with this, but if you try to do a job with improper or inadequate tools, you're just setting yourself up for a trip down that long road of frustration.

Do it right, do it light. Do it wrong, do it long. That's what my 8th grade gym teacher always yelled at us and it's true when it comes to just about anything in life.

Good luck and happy growing.