Most reliable and accurate PH meter


Well-Known Member
I was looking to get a new PH meter, i have a cheap 20 dollar hanna one and it doesnt seem to reliable, i want to get a nice one and was wondering what your guys opinions are on the best one for around 100 dollars


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, you can get a meter, they are portable, and they run on batteries, and need to be stored correctly, and need to be calibrated often because they are stored outside of the nute solution.

Or you can get a monitor. They run on AC power, so not as portable, but the electrode stays in the res, so you can always see what the pH is. Because the electrode is in the res, it stays in calibration better.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
potroast is right meter do need calibrated and do take batteries maintence man lol Mine hasn't need to be calibrated since I got it 6 weeks ago.
Never even knew they made monitors thats kinda cool so you just hook them into outlet? how much are they?