Mother Plant?


Yes, but not for very long. It will outgrow the aerogarden quickly. You'll probably get about 2 months out of it or about 2-3 sets of clones.


Well-Known Member
Tokez831: I don't agree completely with Hydroguy. I've kept the same plant alive and well for over a year, but it was inside in a very controlled environment and it was work. It has to be the right strain, (naturally occurring small), and you have to keep it in the veg stage. Keep the lights and nutes consistent and prune carefully. This was where I got into experimenting with pruning roots.


Well-Known Member
I agree; you'll be fine in the AG for quite some time.

HSA hit it on the nail. HydroGuy, not sure where you get the 2 months from.. Perhaps your thinking of the Small (less then 1 gallon Res) AeroGarden???


Sorry, Yes, I'm thinking of the small aerogarden that fits on your counter top.

I wasn't aware that they came in larger models.