Move flowring plants to dark room for 12/12?


Hey so I have some plants that I am ready to trigger into flower... Though I only have one room available to grow in. So can I put the plants I want to flower in a separate dark room for 12 hours and then bring them back to the main room (where the vegging plants are) and put then under the lights again? I know it would be annoying to do for two months but might not have another option.. What do you guys think?

Also,what lights should I use if I have two 1000 watt outlets available? What about 3? Like 1 Metal Halide and 2 HPS for flowering if 3 lights? And 1 metal halide and 1 HPS if two or do 2 HPS?



my first ever outdoor grow i moved mine in and out of a shed it was a pain in the ass
But how many plants did you have? I am only planning on triggering 4-5 at a time. So that is not too much moving.. right? cant be more than a few minutes...


Active Member
lol a few minutes by a certain time every morning and a few minutes by a certain time every night. If ur late at night theyl stop budding, late in morning and ul have small buds. For two months at the least so 112 times... hmm thatd get tiresome.


lol a few minutes by a certain time every morning and a few minutes by a certain time every night. If ur late at night theyl stop budding, late in morning and ul have small buds. For two months at the least so 112 times... hmm thatd get tiresome.
Have you ever personally grown? Because you would be surprised how much time can be different. Not EXACTLY 12 12... Even a half hour off timing would make ZERO difference... Not mere minutes...


Well-Known Member
Have you ever personally grown? Because you would be surprised how much time can be different. Not EXACTLY 12 12... Even a half hour off timing would make ZERO difference... Not mere minutes...
maybe but its better do it the same time everyday less chance of stress you dont want any hermis do you


Active Member
have i ever grown? lol check my journal, i used to give plants 13 hrs on to get bigger buds so i know a small time difference doesnt make a big difference but ur lame ass will be lifting 4-5 plants twice a day for 2 months, sure u wont slip up then do it, i just thought as some of us have a life and cant predict we will all be able to do it on time that its a shit idea. Idiot


Haha relax, man... You obviously have an ego and I seemed to hurt it. You should practice not giving a crap about what people say on forums.. not start talking back and showing they get to you.

Anyways... In the end I realized that I do have a way to have the flowering plants in the same room as the rest... I am simply making two rooms out of it. A bit more work now, but way better than having to move them each and every day. Also will be flowring 15-20 under 3 lights, 2 hps and 1 MD in the middle of them.

I was not thinking of how much work it would really be to move 5 plants each and every day at 12 hour intervals... And I did not realize there is always another option.. always another way to make it work. So I am good now, Thanks for the advice guys. Especially to you bigbuda haha... If there is one thing I am NOT going to do.. it is take things personally online :)