Movin to Sacramento, Question please help

Whats up guys, im 20 years old, movin to Sacramento, goin to school for Biology. Im supposed to be movin into the Hacienda Apartments on Cottage Way, I just wanted to know if anybody has any opinions on this perticular apartment & it's area. Im not racist what so ever, just safety wise, im not in the mood to be gettin shot and robbed, i jsut wanna chill haha. If anybody can tell me a good, safe apartment complex id appreciate it. Peace
haha yo, I didn't meen it what so ever like that, and if you saw me you would have a totally different opinion. I just don't feel like moving into apartments where my shits gonna be gettin broken into every day when i go to school n work n shit. Just askin if anybody had any expirnece in Sacramento apartments.

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
haha yo, I didn't meen it what so ever like that, and if you saw me you would have a totally different opinion. I just don't feel like moving into apartments where my shits gonna be gettin broken into every day when i go to school n work n shit. Just askin if anybody had any expirnece in Sacramento apartments.
Sacramento is fun as hell, you dont have to worry about your shit getting jacked if you just lock it up.
Sacramento is fun as hell, you dont have to worry about your shit getting jacked if you just lock it up.

Appreciate it my dude. I heard alotta different mixed shit, im not goin out there to sell or anything. Just for school, a new life, and to blaze medicinally, im sick of taking all these pain medications to be out of pain. Failed knee surgeries are a real bitch. Hopefully my area will be straight, I donno how Cottage Way is but im sure ill be straight if I keep to myself.

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Appreciate it my dude. I heard alotta different mixed shit, im not goin out there to sell or anything. Just for school, a new life, and to blaze medicinally, im sick of taking all these pain medications to be out of pain. Failed knee surgeries are a real bitch. Hopefully my area will be straight, I donno how Cottage Way is but im sure ill be straight if I keep to myself.
I hear you man, I wish I could get away from this town too. Especially after prop 19 passes. I think everyone will end up moving to cali.