Moving 6-7 footer..?


Well-Known Member
what is the best way... 40 miles away, 6-7 feet tall, how do I do it.... can't afford a Uhaul, Have to move them by Saturday! Its Thursday!!! I have a truck....


Well-Known Member
Not worried about the police.... its all legit.... just gotta figure our how to actually move them without causing any damage... I already have the gas.... spent change on a pack o smokes!


Well-Known Member
Id still probably go with a tarp. Dig em up, throw the roots in a bucket, and lay it down (gently) in the bed of the truck. Cover with a tarp, secure tarp tightly. Should be good to go.

Either that, or borrow a minivan.


Well-Known Member
what is the best way... 40 miles away, 6-7 feet tall, how do I do it.... can't afford a Uhaul, Have to move them by Saturday! Its Thursday!!! I have a truck....
Yeah do the tarp and some gardening tools,and hopefully people will think you're a landscaper. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
Wrap each pot(or just pull the plant out of the pot, dirt and all) in a tarp or sack of some kind and tie it with rope around the stem. See if you can gently bend the branches UP and tie them as well. This way it looks more like a christmas tree to save space and avoid breaking off branches. The tarps should keep you're dirt and roots where the belong.

Depending on how long your bed is you might want to top them, hang them out the back, or try bending the top back so they fit. Or it might be long enough to keep them in. Do you have a camper shell?

Good luck


Active Member
hahaha that reminds me of the time i had a 3 footer in passenger seat and everyone was seeing it haha very dumb i didnt want to hurt her though she mad her trip home safely


Active Member
you can take it anyway u want its so hard to kill a plant i member my lights fell on my plants one time and i dont know how long they were sitting on the plant but burned alot of the leafs off after that i budded it got some fatty nugs the plants are almost indestructable once their are big enough


Well-Known Member
yeah dig up as much roots as you can and loosely wrap it like a xmas tree. remember to check your rereview for the parade of 420 stoner kids fallowing you to the new spot if its not totally covered.


Well-Known Member
their leaves are all droopy, the branches still hold the weight though, and it seems like they are taking water... hope I didn't stress them too bad, cuz its windy as fuck there, and I don't have any wind shield around them yet.... gave them nutes today.... an additional question though, they are in like 25 gallon pots, and their roots are growing out of the bottom! like a foot out of the bottom. I want to encourage their growth, so instead of keeping them in the pots I want to bury them strait into the ground. Do you think this will work out well? Is it too late? Is it worth the work?


Well-Known Member
Leave them in the pots,loosen the existing soil as deep as you can then add whatever you want to the soil & dig a little pit of sorts,put the pot in the pit & recover with soil,ive done it this way many times with great success,no shock from transplant & roots still grow out of hte pot into the earth,it helps when you have to come & water as well because the pot holds moisture that would otherwise be taken in by the earth.