Moving From Window Sill To Outdoors


Active Member
First Time Grower Here -

My seeds just popped out of the soil this morning and when I came back from work tonight I can tell they are already starting to stretch. Can I just move them outdoors now? Right now they are in plastic cups with Fox Farm Ocean Forest. When I move them outside should I put them in their final containers or keep in plastic till they are a bit bigger?

Aren't they going to stretch towards the sun if I move them outside already, since they are so small? I live in a warm climate, so we are passed worrying about frost, etc. Its in the 70's now, and we are getting sun from 7 am to 7 pm.

Without getting lights, they will just die on the window sill if I keep there too much longer right?

I know that was really wordy, but thanks to anyone who answers. Much respect.


Well-Known Member
They wont die they will just continue to stretch. I have weather above 70s right now but it still dips down low at night. My clones are able to handle it but I would be a little worried about a seedling. Is there any way you could put a floro over it? And I keep my plants in those cups till they get their 2nd - 3rd set of true leaves. That helps the plant form more of a condensed root ball.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice dude. Lights have to get approved by the wife, lol. She was already bitching about my $20 potting soil. Just trying to do this along the path of least resistance with her. If I had carte blanche I'd do this all inside. Take it easy.


Active Member
If your wife is like mine she is afraid of getting busted using lights. Save some money and tell her about LED lights. They save money and produce little heat so helicoptors cant see it with there thermal cameras.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

I would baby it for a few weeks before moving it outside. Definately put it into a bigger container once it takes root and is showing good health.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what carte blanche is. If you know to wire a socket, I would suggest going to home depot and getting a couple of those and put the lights 2 inches above the plants. That shouldn't be over 20. No need to buy anything bigger unless you have a lot of plants. And ignore what the other guy said about the lights. My buddy runs 2200ws with no problem. I run 1000w's and have had plenty of copters fly over with no problem. You have to realize their looking for much bigger people to take down. Keep your room well ventilated and don't get greedy. That is if your wife allows you to someday buy an HID light. I haven't heard many good things about LEDs and if they were that much more efficient, don't you think a lot more people would be using them?


Active Member
Its definitely not about the copters/paranoia, the wife just will be all over my shit if I spend money on lights and stuff. When my grow is outside, then its out of sight and out of mind for her so I will be free to do what I want. The sooner I can transplant outside the better. Since my grow is still so young and small I just want it to make it the point when I can take it outside as healthy and in as good shape as possible.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I totally know what you mean. Luckily my wife doesn't care because cannabis is my passion :). Also something to keep in mind is the light schedule. A lot of people put their plants out too early and result in flowering plants. And if they reveg some people have reported a loss in vigor and yield. 14 hours of light will do great for your plants. I don't know your area so I can't suggest a time to go outside. Good luck with your grow man. I hope it turns out great!