Moving my plants out into the heat and humidity. Guerilla grow!


New Member
Day 2 for outside... They will be put in the ground this week. Leaves seem to have lightened up, but looking O.K.. I have a few places to put them and we'll see how they go. Please add some tips for high humidity and high heat grows. I need all the help I can get. plant.jpg


Well-Known Member
Make sure you protect them from critters they will eat those babies in a heartbeat. If they haven't been in the direct sun yet they need to be hardened off some or plant where they will get some indirect light now. Good Luck


New Member
Thanks, I have them in indirect light, well did for 2 days, now they are in full sun. It has been rainy, so I am worried about putting them in the ground. We'll see how it goes though. I have 10 other plants getting ready to be planted too. I am actually going to try some Light of Jah outside (waste of good seeds I'm sure) and some Mango Kush and some other descent strains. What are the best tropical strains?