Moving Sucks


Well-Known Member
Been a while since I last posted, but I moved a few months ago from FoCo to south Florida.

Was a patient in CO for many years, grew for myself before I left and had plenty of relationships but now am starting from scratch.

Mmj is on the ballot in November but doesn't help me now, renting and not owning so waiting to grow again until I'm in a more secure and long term place, have no connections or relationships and don't want to be searching Craigslist as that is sketchy. Also not about to source at work, hell I can usually pick people out but don't think anyone I work with smokes.

Curious if anyone has had a similar experience and how they handed it. Any secure places I can source to build some relationships online or in person?

PS: I miss the fuck out of CO and the mountains!! Def wouldn't stay here forever.
Yea when I was in Florida for three weeks over Thanksgiving I found that just saying I'm from Colorado got a lot of weed related responses. Dunno maybe we are in the news a ton down there for the herb?
Usually when I'm out I'm with my kids so doesn't work. I'm usually by myself when I go play Poker and I keep an eye (and a nose) to strike that convo up, and yes dropping CO down here does get that attention with some. But most will ask ignorant questions and it becomes clear they are not the right person.

I'll check that website out too. Thanks.

Going to see about a trip back or a care package from someone soon in the mean time, can't wait till Nov ballets.
Hey bro, I did that very same thing, moved from FoCo to SoFla, Deerfield Beach in my case. I learned that I do not want to retire there. I don't really want to visit much, either. Maybe on the way to somewhere else...

Yeah, I'm back in FoCo... and you're jealous. Not rubbing it in, I'm just saying it so you don't have to. Lord knows I was until I got on that plane 'home'.
Just be careful they've stepped up the inspection of packages, airport security, and searching of cars in immediate states around CO since recreational hit.

I know. Terrified of a harmless plant.

What if you woke up one morning and realized that your state was the only one that was sane in an insane country? It happened to us here in Colorado, and what's really making us scratch our heads is just how long it's taking the rest of the country to pull its head out.
I know. Terrified of a harmless plant.

What if you woke up one morning and realized that your state was the only one that was sane in an insane country? It happened to us here in Colorado, and what's really making us scratch our heads is just how long it's taking the rest of the country to pull its head out.

There are a ton of preconceived notions about marijuana that won't go away anytime soon. There are lots of people in CO that don't agree with the legalization for their own reasons. I'm just excited for some of that social stigma to change and legislation to allow citizens to stop fighting a war with our own government. Once that happens everyone will just go about their business as usual lifestyles.
There are a ton of preconceived notions about marijuana that won't go away anytime soon. There are lots of people in CO that don't agree with the legalization for their own reasons. I'm just excited for some of that social stigma to change and legislation to allow citizens to stop fighting a war with our own government. Once that happens everyone will just go about their business as usual lifestyles.

The ongoing cold war between the average American citizen and their government did not start with and certainly won't end with national legalization of cannabis.

If anything, cannabis is just a particularly clear mirror through which to see America for the corporate fascist oligarchy that it is.
If yeah; depending on where you live in South Florida, you may see some of those oligarchs cavorting in the sun, with their 125' yachts and the Ferrari Enzos to get stupid in rush hour traffic with...
@HumbleNMotivated - Ya when I moved out here I had a couple oz's and a bunch of hash stashed a way in my stuff. Just drive the speed limit and never gave them a reason. Check points are illegal too and I am savvy with my rights so I feel okay driving. Plus if I am traveling with my family it tends to look much less suspicious.

@UncleBuck - Funny you say that, thats how I made a lot of friends and connections in CO! No one I work with plays cards though :-( thought cross my mind already.

@ttystikk: Jealous? Terribly! But got a good job offer and its what was best for me and the family at the time so ya do what you gotta to. Def miss it though, bunch of fuckers around here. Dont suppose you still have any connections down here! :)
@ttystikk: Jealous? Terribly! But got a good job offer and its what was best for me and the family at the time so ya do what you gotta to. Def miss it though, bunch of fuckers around here. Dont suppose you still have any connections down here! :)

I did not have the good job offer. I didn't even have a car, but I found a way to make it happen for me and my family. Still, I was happier landing in Denver than I ever was in Ft Lauderdale.

I'm just teasing of course; a place and its opportunities ultimately boil down to how hard you're willing to work for them.

I'll work a lot harder to stay in Ft Collins, now that I know what it's like relative to elsewhere.

One thing that sucked most about south Florida for me was how superficial people were. I ended up with lots of acquaintances who were good for a hello, but never a favor. Wasn't for lack of trying, maybe I just didn't meet the right crowd...
Sounds like we will be walking a similar path. Unless something crazy happens, Wife and I hope to be back in CO in the next few years. People I work with are pretty cool but your totally right about being superficial, socially most people are just fake and I can't jive with. Never had that prob in CO.

Experience makes u grow and learn, chalk this up to that!

Won't miss the fucking humidity either.

In the mean time just going to make as much money as I can, come back, and flip the bird south east while smoking a bowl. You'll be welcome to join me :)
Sounds like we will be walking a similar path. Unless something crazy happens, Wife and I hope to be back in CO in the next few years. People I work with are pretty cool but your totally right about being superficial, socially most people are just fake and I can't jive with. Never had that prob in CO.

Experience makes u grow and learn, chalk this up to that!

Won't miss the fucking humidity either.

In the mean time just going to make as much money as I can, come back, and flip the bird south east while smoking a bowl. You'll be welcome to join me :)

Hell ya, I'll contribute the first Jay, and the rest will take care of itself.

My wife left me to come back to Colorado. Realizing it was a good move, I did the same. We are not still together, but smart moves are smart moves!

I hope your marriage survives the experience better than mine did.