Moving to 12/12 - need a little info


Active Member
Well im about to move my plant into the flowering stage which is exciting - is there anything other then changing light and ferts that is necessary right away?

also - i have one plant and live in an apartment - its a closet grow - the closet is not ventilated. with one plant in a closed room how much do i need to worry about the smell? will the people above or below me be able to smell it?

thanks for the help in advance


Well-Known Member
when i change lights to 12/12 i keep the lights of for 24 hours to help start flowering sooner. you shouldnt have to worry about the smell to bad if its just one plant


Well-Known Member
not sure about the smell thing. I always like to give my babies a good straight h2o feeding right before going 12/12. flushes out the vegging nutes and build ups. then i start with my 12/12 and flowering nutes. good luck


Active Member
FAN!!! lol. You need Ventilation ESPECIALLY in flower stage. Your buds can grow mold and your stalks wont get strong without a breeze. Im also growing in a closest...and the smell isnt potent at all.

north strong & free

Active Member
ya my fellow closet growers! i have four in my closet and ventilate it pretty well. my apartment smells a bit when i come home, but thanks to my other neighbours the hallway always smells like ass and fish! going to go 12/12 myself to flower before christmas. only 6-7" though, but they are bushy indicas. no?


Active Member
yea ive got a fan that runs all the time and i leave the door open to get some fresh air moving so thats all good - and im not actually sure what kind it is to be honest


Active Member
trim leaves and stalks at bottom of plant let growth go to the top u wont miss much nothing happens really at the bottom
leave the door open as much as possible with a window which is closest by open to allow fresh air
is your light on night times or daytimes basically u are best to have them sleeping when u are not in the home due to the fact if its all on and u are out u dont want your door of closet open or windows ajar