MSN home page story just popped up. Weed is good medicine apparently.


Well-Known Member
A tiny little story/video just popped up on my MSN home page. Did a pretty darn good job of advocating weed as medicine. The story almost felt main stream. Go figure.


Well-Known Member
I just saw that. The doc made a good point about being able to prescribe addictive and potentially dangerous drugs like morphine and ritalin, but not being able to prescribe marijuana for certain conditions.


Active Member
I saw that to. Atleast it something kinda public about some of the truths about mmj! I live in a mmj state and use legally, I couldnt imagine being in a non medical state. Hopefully the others will follow suit soon!


Ohio is finally putting it on the ballet this year. Curious to see how much support it gets the first time around.


Well-Known Member
Good luck to you and ohio brett. It will be a ballot question here in massachusetts as well. The problem is the major criteria will be that you already have to be dead. Hopefully if it passes the doctors will be able to work their way around that condition. My doctor can make me an opiate addict but he can't prescribe weed. Go figure.


Wow that's ludicrous. The ohio language seems to bee fairly decent. up to 3.5 ounces in possession. It also seems to have a lot of support from government officials as well as huge support from citizens. might just pass. can't wait to see what happens