Multiple strains Dwc?


Well-Known Member
hello RIU I have been on the fence about getting into Dwc. The only issue I have is you can’t run more then one strain at a time. Or is there a way to go about it with out effecting the other strains?


Well-Known Member
I was think maybe 4 -18 gallon totes with 2 plants in each of them? Each tote a week apart. I will just keep adding fresh phd water until it equals the amount of water I originally started with then clean refill and add new nutes. Any ideas suggestions on this set up?


Well-Known Member
I had originally thought about the 5 gallons but was trying to limit the work with slower Rez refills.
well, if you had 3 or 4 27gal totes, you could run 3 or 4 different strains total. 1 strain per tote, 2 plants per tote. that would help a bit for refills.


Well-Known Member
I had originally thought about the 5 gallons but was trying to limit the work with slower Rez refills.
The bigger the res the more stable it will be... less work monitering it.

Multiple strains man just dont do it. Ive been there and sometime they finish a week or two apart and then your either messing up the other plants or leaving a bunch of dead roots in the res to rot.

Its a logistical nightmare bo matter how you play it out.

Individual 5 gal buckets are nice.

Or flood tables with clones that you flower sooner.

that way theyll all finish at the same time .


Well-Known Member
I was intending each totes to be two plants one strain. And yes less work/monitoring is better in my opinion. If 5 gallon will be easier then I will try that. I haven’t really looked into flood tables but each plant will be a clone either way.


Well-Known Member
That’s similar to what I had in mind except with 18 gallon totes. Would 4 27 gallon totes fit into a 4x8?
i've used the 27 gal. 2 of them fit in a 3x4. when you factor in how much space the netpots take up, it was only about 15 to 17 actual gallons. so your 18's would be maybe 10 total. something to consider.


Well-Known Member
That’s what I am trying to get done similar out come. 4 foot plants 2 per container. This would also be diy totes. How did it go with 2 different strains one Rez? I had thought about getting a 5th tote to use and a swap out. Just pick up the top place it on clean new water take the old one clean it go to next tote.


Well-Known Member
Ditxh the air stone . Your either pumping co2 if your pump is low. Or extra heat if you keep it high. Co2 in the water makes carbonic acid or some shit.. Dont quote me on that one but it will raise your ph.

Also lots of dust in the air that will make your res scummy.

Water fall effect works great and cools the water a bit vs the air pump. For me it was 2-3celcius difference.


Well-Known Member
That’s what I am trying to get done similar out come. 4 foot plants 2 per container. This would also be diy totes. How did it go with 2 different strains one Rez? I had thought about getting a 5th tote to use and a swap out. Just pick up the top place it on clean new water take the old one clean it go to next tote.
each tote had the same strain. so they finished within a day or 2 of each other.

as nice as @projectinfo grow looks, i get burnt out on the same strain very quickly. the variety keeps that from happening.