Mushroom growing in pot...


I dont know what to think. I caught the mushroom right after it dried so it was very dry. Im using dried green leaves from my plants crumbeled up, cow manure seabird guano and bat guano with epsom salt, kelp mycorrihizae and perlite. Happy frog soil. Filtered ro water. Only started growing in december soi dont know if i should toss the plant? 8 weeks into flower.
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Okay cool. I just dont want to smoke anything contaminated or poisonous. but i am glad to know its fine, with it being so close to done. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Actually it means you kept very healthy soil too moist. Mushrooms require good nutrition. Let it dry well between waterings and do not grind up dried non-composted shit into your medium. Fungus you DON'T want to see.


I only water every 4-5 days. When the soil is bone dry. I didnt catch the mushroom until it was completley dried out if that tells you anything... And i could be wrong but dont dried leaves decay after time in soil making compost? I see no harm in it, i could be wrong.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
If any action is warranted at all, I'd just chuck the mushroom out....but honestly, I doubt it's doing any bad...I just wouldn't want the spores directly on the buds I'm gonna smoke....but is still probably harmless.