Music and Pot


Well-Known Member
IMG_20240117_175912.jpgI was just thinking of this photo and it's connection to music. First, the pic was taken by the great bass player Tom Pelusa. Hackensaw Boys, King Sour, Modest Mouse, etc.
Second, we had a party in the backyard and Scream played 2 songs before being shut down. I rolled a giant Cheech and Chong spliff from leaf and passed it around. I'm pretty sure Dave Grohl hit it. Lol. Someone stole the roach!
Third, I sold a sack of this pot to Dave Brockie of Gwar right there. (Miss you man.) Dave was a pothead.
Fourth, HR of the Bad Brains came and I wasn't home! He liked the pro-pot slogans I spray painted near the R.E. Lee monument. ( I did it first).
Fifth, Root Boy Slim of Root Boy Slim and the Sex Change Band came over and got some weed.
All that on one little crop, my first. Later on, Keller Williams would write a song based on Local Outdoor Organic...aka Sk#1.
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Dead thread. I smoked with Oderous many times.Brockie was a uniquely creative guy. I never knew how wild his shows were. The last time I saw him he told me a kid in the restaurant the night before had on a Gwar t-shirt. He got a kick out of that, it made him feel like they'd arrived as a success. Long Live Oderous destroyer of worlds and eater of brains!