MUTANT! as far as i can tell. Anyone have any ideas what it could be?


Active Member
As i have stated before, i grew a crop of bagseed that has turned out exceptionaly well.
Well on my first set of seedlings i started 10 regular seeds(non fem). All of them sprouted nicely. But within 5 days something was way different with 2 of them
The others looked normal. The other 2 resembled a sprout of a head of "cabage". 3 leaves with the middle leaf small and pointy 2 sides like cabage. They both turned out male so i canned them
I started neew seeds for the next grow, low and behold 2 more like cabage, but this time 1 is female. Heres the pics. Make your best educated guesses at whats going
The first 2 pics are the normal plant i topped at the 5th node. It is 8in tall.
The 2nd 2 pics are this mutation like plant i also topped but at the 8th node and its 8in tall.
If you might have some insigjt as to what might be going on here give me a heads up please.
It is also showing preflowering like a normal MJ plant.



Well-Known Member
All I see is indica dominance. Fat leaflets overlapping, rounded serrations. What do you mean by cabbage?


Well-Known Member
Do you know what strain they are? I love a good indica. I bet she makes fat logs (hopefully it's a she)


Well-Known Member
aha I see, is it something like this?
mostly likely from malnutrition - plants are individually different chemotypes. not genetic - did grow out...

you also see your plant is not having these healthy leaves just like in pic 1&2


Active Member
Well i hate to disagree, this plant is very healthy. The leaves several have 4 leaves and looking at it from left to right the first leaf will be the size of an oblong silverdollar then the second you cant see because it grew downward as wide and as a small short pencil. The 3rd leaf will cover up all 4 leaves but only 1/2 cm long then the last leaf grows backward and down towards the stalkmost of them have unusuall amounts of fingers ,then sometimes they are just very small hiding under another finger.and none of the leaves look anything like any other pot leaves"serrated coming to a point. The look like crumpled up lettuce and even after topping they are growing straight up and narrow 4 finger width. But they are growing an insane amount of shoots straight up i guess you would have to be here to see how different they ar