Mutant Clones


Well-Known Member
I have been taking clones from a mother. Have since harvested the mother and have taken clones from those clones and so on. Now if you look at 2 of these plants the leaves are growing with 1-3 'fingers' not the normal. wtf is happening. Should I continue to let them grow. These 2 were taken from the same mother which was also a clone. Mom was fine. Maybe I snipped too young a shoot and they've not developed normally. I just noticed this tonight. And I cannot remember what they were like in the rooters.


Well-Known Member
Clones do that, sometimes even non-serrated edges appear for the first week or two
after initial root developement and top growth.

Let the roots develope and catch up to where the rest of the plant is, and normal growth will resume.


Well-Known Member
Just sayin'. And I am a bra not a bro. But the clone I refer to looks good. No issues. Let her grow out and all is normal.


Well-Known Member
1-3 leaves could be from genetics if it's a sativa or hybrid cross. Other than that it could be from stress that will go away with some veg time.