Mutant? Leafs with 12 and more petals

Hey guys
Ive been looking around the forum and the net but I can't seem to get any conclusive answers. I bought these seeds from VSB called kennys kish mix, suposed to be fairly good, unfortunately the batch I got turned out to be no good. However 2 of the 10 did sprot, but imidiatly I could tell there was somthing wrong with them. Their first leafs grew all twisted and deformed, but I decided to leave em and see what happened. As they got older they started looking more so normal, until just recently that is. They have been veging for just over a month now and looking pretty good, until the last few sets of fan leafs. This new set of leafs has 9 petals instead of just 7. And the sets above that have now have 12 or more petals. It almost looks as if two leafs have joined together ( one on top of the other ) to form one leaf. I'll try and get a pic up as so as I can, but has anyone else ever seen such a mutant plant? Should I keep em? Or will they be a wast of precious space. Also I haven't been able to positively sex them yet, one looks to be a female while the other hasn't told me yet.


Active Member
I don't think its a mutant, thats just the strain genetics, I choose to call them "fingers" not petals though lol
I've seen some strains with as many as 14 fingered leaves. Its nothing to worry about, unless you post a pic proving otherwise.
Well that's the thing, I know having 12 or more "fingers" isn't unusual, but the way mine is growing it has fingers on top of fingers instead of the side by side you usually see. I'm working on getting pics right now