My 2nd Indoor Grow Challenge


hey, how are you all! Some of you might remember my first attempt last year I had 3 bag seeds so I carefully grew a bunch of plants to get some weed to smoke and to have some seed for the future. Well I managed to do both, I have a nice little jar of seeds and I just came back from overseas and need some grass so time to get growing again....

I sprouted a handful of seeds last week using the paper towel method. They sprouted quickly and they are now in my temporary box until I get my new one built.

I have attached a few pics of my first lot of seedlings and I have a few more in water as well. I plan to grow a bunch of small plants fast to get something to put in my vaporizer as I have no grass. I will not touch the best plants but just pick some leaves of some of the others to keep me going.

I have put a wooden frame together that is about 120cm high x 68cm on the sides x 48cm on the smaller sides. I plan to go and buy some thin type of ply wood or similar for the outside walls. I have lights and bulbs, vents, pc fans and an adapter etc all ready from my last closet that will be built into the new box.

Now, I do have a small problem, hope someone can offer some ideas. I'm not sure how I should design a door into my box. I would prefer a door at the front (which is the wider part) but I could put it in at the smaller sides. How would I have a door in this box, would I have to put in more framing wood etc? I hope not as I don't have any off hand but guess I could get some. I have hinges etc ready to use.

Ideas for the box and door would be great. Keep in mind I don't want to put too much time and effor into this. Just a quick and simple setup.

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I photoshopped the pics of the frame to take out background elements.


Well, don't all rush in and reply :)

I bought a couple of small bags of Seed Raising Mix, 1 X bag of Perlite & 1 X bag of vermiculite today to transplant my seedling into some pots using a mix of all these.

Do you think they will be ok in a mix of this or should I also get hold of some organic soil and mix that in? Well, I will put these ones into pots using this mix now as they need to be potted but maybe my next seedlings could also include organic soil.


Well-Known Member
I have a buddy who goes organic and his ladies look anemic. I am working with miracle grow potting soil + perlite + worm castings. She is in week 7 since I brought the clone home (a gift from a friend) and put her in my soil. She is doing fine now that I fried the borg (My free lady came with a case of the crabs:evil:)
I did LST on her since up space is limited for my grow but the MG is working great.
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I plan to flush 2-3 times at the end before harvest to purge the MG chemicals and if all goes half as well as last time :blsmoke: life will be abongsmilie.

So my vote is non organic but I am but a nubie at this so the choice is yours.

To all who enter stoned..


hey methias, your plant looks super healthy in that first pic. Nice color, leaves and stems look strong.

Yea I will have to flush them too at the end. I just went that mix I have as I wrote in last post. The seedling mix is made for plants that need a lot of watering so it must have some moss type of thing in it. I think it will work well with the Perlite & Vermiculite. I transplanted my 6 babies into small pots today with that mixture. They look ok and they look as healthy as ever. I also started on blacking out my spare room for light and tomorrow I might look at building the walls around the frame of my new box.


ok well it has been about 3-4 days since I potted the seedlings from the jiffy pots. They are doing fine. There is no fan or ventilation in my current temporary cardboard seedling box besides a couple of handle holes and the lid opening. So they have been on around 82 to 90 for the box temperature and they seem to like that. I have attached a couple of pics of the seedlings as they are right now.


Today I started to put the walls on my grow box. I bought some thin finishing ply wood and have attached that. I also made one side of the wall into a door using some bronze hinges. I have nailed it together but the good thing about this grow box is that it can easily be disassembled and assembled. It has screws holding the main frame together. I'm not that great at building so I'm quite rapped at getting this together. Tomorrow I plan to finish it off, making it stronger, put fans & vents in and a hanging support for the lights. I will also paint it white inside since I don't know where to get any of that silver reflection stuff here. I have read that white walls is nearly as good anyway.



Today I put my new box together finally and moved the seedlings into it. There are 2 x output 120" fans at the top and 2 x small fans for blowing air. These are pc fans powered by a 12v adapter. I have 2 x passive inlet holes at the bottom of the box and I will glue some filter material onto them tomorrow. I'm running 2 x 48 CFL Natural bulbs (5,000) & 1 x 48 cool white (2,700). I was only using 1 of each uptil now. The soil seems to hold water quite a bit more than I hoped and I have only been watering them every 4 days or so because of this. There will be more heat now and as they grow it might not hold so long? I might add another light in a few weeks....

I still have a couple of small things to finish on the box but it's now in use and 98% finished.

Anyway, here are a few pics... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey bbates, congrats on that box! Looks good, I'm not good with conversion, what's the dimensions in inches? Looks very similar to mine, but it was a premade road treasure:-P. My inner dimensions are 16 inch by 16 inches floor space and 34 inches tall maybe 36. Hope to see the whole grow man, keep on keepin on! :leaf:

Oh yeah, subd but how to rep up?


Hi Theowl, nice to see someone reading it. the box is roughly 4 foot high by 2 foot wide. I wanted something that is not too big so I can move it around easy. Good luck with yours, have you got a diary too? I mainly write here so I have some record of what I'm doing but I like to share so people can get some ideas to help them and vice versa.


Well-Known Member
No no journal going just got an account finally after reading posts
For years. I am growing in soil, My own home mix. You ? I started out late in the season outdoors in pots and I have decided that I've had enough of the grasshoppers. That and It's been getting kinda cool here so i started pulling it inside but I'd rather just use the box. Get used to it for winter, ya know? So I've got one plant (silver haze fem from seed ) that's about three weeks in flower and another (same) that I fimed and supercropped and lst'd that is about a week into flower. Gonna clone her much!! Ok ur turn.


Well-Known Member
Nice little box U got going on there. Looks low maintenance and EZ to adjust.
I'm sure your ladies will do nicely in there.

Good Luck

& an update on my lady..



Well-Known Member
Hey bbates, how's that grow comin? Just checking
In on you, no updates ... I should be harvesting
The one in a week or so, maybe two, getting hard to see any new changes in it. My lst lady is now blooming away, I counted 28 bud sites. She looks like scrog with no screen! I don't know how to get pics up on here from my phone, any thoughts?