my 4th cfl grow

so this my 4th time around, im actually using seeds from a set of 4 seeds of ice that one of them turned hermie ( some how all seeds from that plant from then on have been female) But right nbow im usin around 15 cfls all various sizes all the correct spectrum. I have a xbox fan and a ton of white board. and im using fox farms soil with a 30% mix of peat moss.

tell me what you think


Active Member
I think you got some buds growing thats really all that matters. Way to go. Is that how far you keep you lights all the time? If so next time I'd keep em shorter than that. It wont effect yield because they will get tighter buds with closer light. CFL have a steep falloff. The way your plants are right now you should have the cfl's surrounding the plants not just on top. if your going to keep the lights up top I'd ad a plant or two. Keep em much short and do a kind of SOG method and only worry about the top colas. They do look pretty healthy though. How long are you into 12/12 here?
im about 3 weeks in on 12/12. and ive tried to keep the lights as close as possible but i think i vegged them a month too long, i recently added the side lights which seemed to help alot.
oh and lights and hood are adjustable on a pulley anchored to the ceiling and it can go from the floor to the ceiling, and i start way low on the plant and let the plants touch before i raise the lights an inch or so.