My 9 week old buds Question

My ladies seem to be doing okay apart from the odd yellow showing on leafs, i don't think any thing to be worried about..!

My question Can I grow new plants from my ladies ? Are there any seeds some where on y plants?

Don't call me silly I have not a clue lol



Active Member
There wont be any seeds on a female plant unless it turns into a hermaphrodite. In which case you dont want those seeds. Once it is in full bloom you don't clone from this either.


Well-Known Member
As FYI, you will get lambasted for asking questions on this site that are pretty easily answered by doing a little surfing. Not sure what you mean by 9 week buds. Has the plant been flowering that long or is that how long it is has been alive. From what I understand you can clone her so long as she hasn't gone to flower yet. More difficult after that. Search clone on this site and you will find all you need to know.

So far as seeds, you are right that you haven't a clue :-) A female plant will not generate seeds unless it is pollinated by a male plant. So if you have a female growing in isolation, it will not generate any seeds.

Depending of where you are with your grow, that yellowing may indeed be an issue.
Take no offense but if you didn't know how seeds work, do you know how to mamage lighting to make it flower.

Happy to help but you gave no info....