My ashcatcher sucks...


Well-Known Member
Might not look like it, but I swear I change the water out every time I smoke out of this thing. My bong use to hit soooo smooth and now I can barely get it to pull through! I've tried a salt/alcohol combo (can barely get any salt in there, first of all), nail polish remover, boiling it, and tried sticking everything in there I can lol. Not sure who thought this was a good design for something that builds up resin like crazy. There's like a ring of super thick resin built up around the skinnest part.


Is there anything I can do or will I just have to buy a new one? :neutral:
I always mix my salt with the alcohol. Then let the stuborn piece soak for a while. I had to let a proto pipe soak for a few months because it was so caked. It wasnt mine it was my friends and they never cleaned it before.
buy a new one, with a slide or a downstem, or at least a carb.
those ash catchers cost like 3$ from a friend of mine that blows glass.
The reason it drags is because those are terrible ashcatchers to begin with. If i was you i'd just throw it away. If you do want to clean it get simple green concentrate and submerge it over night.
I threw it away... My bong too. :( It had a small crack in the beaker part that I covered with Plasti-Dip/duct tape (notice the leopard print lol) and last night I set it on the table and the whole bottom nearly came off and I could hear glass shaking around... so it was done for. Well... Next time around I'll go with an ash catcher with a better design at least.
I have six ash catchers that I bought and never used but a couple times. Sorry to hear about the bong that's never a good day!

Check out roor tech online, I just bought one of their fixed inlines real nice piece.
I threw it away... My bong too. :( It had a small crack in the beaker part that I covered with Plasti-Dip/duct tape (notice the leopard print lol) and last night I set it on the table and the whole bottom nearly came off and I could hear glass shaking around... so it was done for. Well... Next time around I'll go with an ash catcher with a better design at least.

dont buy chinese glass... look into Syn. ALL hand blown, quality, not too expensive glass.