My autoflower likes 100w vs 400w


Well-Known Member
What’s up my fellow growers, hope everyone is having a blessed day. I’m currently growing a NL auto, she’s about 33 days old, and she absolutely hated my 400w LED. I have another 110w led I use for my babies before transitioning to the larger tent, and she prefers this light over the larger one. Am I missing something.... Anyone else experience this?

Promix Hp ( mycorrhizae ), 3x3x7, roots organic terp tea grow and bloom amendments, 3 gal smart pot, Ph 6.5-7. Temp 78-82/RH 60%, more than sufficient air flow. Just thought I would throw all that in there since I always tell other people to do it, haha.
What’s up my fellow growers, hope everyone is having a blessed day. I’m currently growing a NL auto, she’s about 33 days old, and she absolutely hated my 400w LED. I have another 110w led I use for my babies before transitioning to the larger tent, and she prefers this light over the larger one. Am I missing something.... Anyone else experience this?

Promix Hp ( mycorrhizae ), 3x3x7, roots organic terp tea grow and bloom amendments, 3 gal smart pot, Ph 6.5-7. Temp 78-82/RH 60%, more than sufficient air flow. Just thought I would throw all that in there since I always tell other people to do it, haha.
Is the wattage actually accurate between the 2? Or is the 400w a 20w draw 400w equivalent :p
The footprint of the light makes a big difference. One qb at 150 w had to be kept quite a bit farther away than 2 at 75w a piece
The 400w light was at 36” and the plant was hating life. The 100w light was 18” and she was as happy as can be. None of my photos ever reacted this way. They love the juice the 400w puts out. I guess she’s just picky and likes what she likes. I’m just afraid that my yield is gonna suffer because of the lack of watts being provided.
What exactly did you do, did you start with the 100watt and then switch to the 400 watt? How long was the plant under the 400watt? Switching between different lights can effect the plants and they may take time to get used to it. An example is if i have my plants outside and take them inside under MH they droop for a day, if I move them from outside to inside under hps there is no difference and plants look fine.
I started under the 100w. But once it had 2 nodes I switched to the 400w like I always do. My light has the veg and bloom switch. Veg switch is pulling 225w, bloom is 175w. I only used the veg switch. I knew there would be an adjustment period so I waited a couple days and she still looked pitiful. I switched back to the 100w and the next day she looked like a whole new plant, perked up and happy as ever. I don’t get it. I’ve grown autos before and they never did this. But this dang NL auto which I’ve never grown before is a picky little B....
Just thought I would throw all that in there since I always tell other people to do it, haha.

How about stop telling people how to do things?

I saw the word "blessed" in there, so that indicates reliability on fictional nonsense, so there's that.

How about fact. A plant doesn't prefer 100W over 400W. The opposite is true.

Perhaps you could consider that both of your lamps are worthless, and you need to re-evaluate your assessment. Especially before you "always tell other people to do it".
Hang the 400w higher until the plants happy then loweer it, a 100w at 18" is less bright than a 400w at 36".
How about stop telling people how to do things?

I saw the word "blessed" in there, so that indicates reliability on fictional nonsense, so there's that.

How about fact. A plant doesn't prefer 100W over 400W. The opposite is true.

Perhaps you could consider that both of your lamps are worthless, and you need to re-evaluate your assessment. Especially before you "always tell other people to do it".

Im fairly confident that everything you just said wasn’t even helpful in the least bit. Secondly, I’ve seen you ask people to post the same information that I openly volunteered to save people from asking about my grow environment. Pretty sure that makes you a hypocrite. And third, you can be an atheist all you want, that’s your choice, but don’t jump on my threads about my religious preference just because it doesn’t fall in line with yours. And lastly, keep your comments to yourself if you don’t have anything useful to say, that is of course unless you have the cannabis master degree to go along with the long list of accredited accomplishments under your belt, which I highly doubt you have, and even then I don’t want to hear it. It boggles my mind when people have all the right answers. There’s a difference between suggestions and advice, and then there’s people trying to act like they know everything. You seem to fit the last part rather well.
Hang the 400w higher until the plants happy then loweer it, a 100w at 18" is less bright than a 400w at 36".

I think I will try the 400w again at the highest point I can hang it like you mentioned. I know at some point I’m gonna go back to it anyway, might as well try to get her acclimated to it now while I can. Thank you for your SUGGESTION. Hopefully spek9 can learn to do the same.
Was the bigger light to close? Was it to hot?

I figured 36” was high enough since that’s the height I always start off with. Temp was under control, never exceeded 82. Currently running 82 right now with the 100w at 18” and she couldn’t be happier.
I figured 36” was high enough since that’s the height I always start off with. Temp was under control, never exceeded 82. Currently running 82 right now with the 100w at 18” and she couldn’t be happier.
Yeah but what was the canopy temp with the bigger light?
She may have just needed some time to adjust.
Whats the point of using more power but then not utilizing it by hanging the lamp further away.... doesnt make sense....

OP how did you rule out other factors?