my baby plants(are they still stretching?)


Well-Known Member
hey ppl, heres some pics of one of my plants. Could you tell me if its stretching and if that pot is bid enough for its entire life?
p.s the pot is in my frog tank:mrgreen:
oh yea and ive got 4 more and there all going outdoors tommorow(out in the bush)



Well-Known Member
that is still stretching, especally because the fan leaves are so small

i can't really tell from the pic the extra size of your pot, but that should be enough depending on how long the veg will be outdoors, the bigger then are going to get the bigger the problem... if ya live in someone where they will go right into flower then youre fine


Well-Known Member
first u should never start with a big pot when in seedling stage
start with a small cup (16oz) and then move up to a large cup(32oz) about a month after seed splits the top of the dirt
u can go a month in the 32 oz and then go to ur final container and then into 12/12


Well-Known Member
That pot is plenty big enough! lol. You started by planting the seed straight into that large pot? You're still going to get stretch because of the tap root has alot of room to dig downwards.Stretch also depends on strain too.


Well-Known Member
check this feed it some epsom salt and water about 1 teaspoon per gallon it will help with phosphorous


Well-Known Member
hey ppl, thanks for replies, lol but I never said I started the seed in the big pot, the seed was in a small plastic cup for germinating and when it started to get the 4 small leaves the plant was transplanted into the pot. And these plants will go outside in the next week:mrgreen:
so wish me luck (its winter here in Australia but its never that cold):blsmoke: