Can anybody help me and tell what is wrong with my baby here...

It's her 5th week, the soil was really acidic and I managed to nute her, but then I flushed her. Some of the leaves fell off (lower leaves) but now this is happing to some of the lower leaves again. Curling, and seem like brown spots and burning... Im so sad-.Bilde0101.jpgBilde0100.jpgBilde0104.jpgBilde0102.jpg


Well-Known Member
That definitely looks like a pH problem. What's the pH of you're water? You want to fix the problem before you water, not try to fix it by flushing afterward.


Well-Known Member
Magnesium def. Epsom salts at about 1/4 tsp per gallon of water. Use it as a foilar spray. It may be locked out because of the low medium ph. You will need to get that corrected. Dolomite lime as a top dressing would be a big help.
yeah I added dolomite lime as top dressing and then watered. but that was before I flushed it... should I add dolomite lime again? can I just add it to water and then water it next time with that? epson salt is really to come by around here... ph of the water is around 6.6. But I flushed with tap water that is around 8 :( i dont know, I guess I did too much stuff to try to fix it


Well-Known Member
yeah I added dolomite lime as top dressing and then watered. but that was before I flushed it... should I add dolomite lime again? can I just add it to water and then water it next time with that? epson salt is really to come by around here... ph of the water is around 6.6. But I flushed with tap water that is around 8 :( i dont know, I guess I did too much stuff to try to fix it
Just watch the new growth to see if it is spreading. The affected areas will remain the same. Dolomite will supply mg and cal. Just a bit slower delivery. And runoff ph is not a very good indicator of the soils ph. The dolomite will keep it balance at around 7. I would just continue a normal routine and keep an eye on it for a week or so. CalMag is also a option.