My Barney's Farm LSD harvest


This poor girl was grown from seed in a small 6 inch plastic pot, after she turned 2 months old I took clones off of her. After I took all that I could I put what was left of here into flower and here ya go. Shes still not dried and cured but when she is I'll post a smoke report. She has a sweet dirty smell right now. :weed:



Active Member
I''ve wanted to try a mini one for awhile just haven't gotten to it yet. Looks great, looking forward to the smoke report so I know what to expect as I just started flowering mine a few days back.


Well-Known Member
I grew it once before.. i'd say you grew it better than me! You should have vegged the mom some more before flowering though.


Well-Known Member
This was the first strain i grew and it was frosty as fuck....the high was straight energy with a knock out come down. Dam i wish i had cloned it :(