My Blue Agave


Well-Known Member
i had one that i bought and had in north carolina it was like 30 years old.. but fire ants ate the roots out dat bitch..... bastards. their were 7 babys in the pot that got killed too.... but the reverse paterns on the leaves are awsome...pretty cacti


New Member
How tall is that? You can buy teeny tiny ones of those here, they sell them as cactus plants, can't grow them out in the winter though.

It's a lovely color. I like the little ones around it, sets it off.


Well-Known Member
the agave is also called "The Century Plant", because they grow Very slow. that plant looks to be about 20 years old to me


Well-Known Member
i lost like3 of the small ones..due to gophers.. but i got rid of em.. using juicyfruit :-o idiot gophers fall for anything


Well-Known Member
mmmmmmm, just leave the caterpillar/scorpion out of the juice. You did nice, did you add any fertilizer to it?