my budding female has developed sacks


Active Member
is it possible for a budding female to develop sacks or signs of male on the bttom nodes

i was clipping the bottom leaves when i seen dust fall but it fell straight down there was no fan on at the time

i have a feeling that they have maybe another 3 to 4 weeks left until harvested they have lots of crystal on the buds as of right now

will this hurt my plants this far into the cycle

i started my plants on feb 25 they popped in 2 to 3 days i vegged for about 3 weeks and they have been budding since i have 6 plants growing which are 2 different strains i dont know what strains they are i grow with cfls which i have 17 cfls which 15 are 23 watts (100 watts) each and 2 that are 150 watts


Well-Known Member
Why where you clipping bottom leaves?
If you saw dust well that means if they are males balls (hermi) that all your ladies are polluted now. That stuff flys everwhere no fan needed, just poof, it's done.
Don't ever take off any leaves for any reason other than they are dead.


Active Member
did not see the sacks the leaves were dead so just clipped them my pants are very far into the cycle the buds are changeing and harvest in 3 or 4 weeks like i saidbut the dust din't go anywhere i watched it fall straight down

and its very amazeing as to how many people have different ways to grow one person says to clip the bottom dead leaves and the other person says dont what the right way

it just a question im still a newbie so don't take offence to what i said i would just like to know ive read alot and watched the videos put out by seemorebuds and jorge cervanyes and ive downloaded a ton of stuff regarding growing

this is my second grow the first grow wshich was only a couple of plants just to figure out how to do it produced very good and tasty buds the one plant produced a 6 once bud on top and i clipped the leaves on both of those to


Well-Known Member
You clipped the dead leaves? Or healthy ones? I always take off any leaf that is 51% dead. Don't want disease pr pests.
If you are not seeing any sacs, it's not pollen then.
You grew a 6oz bud ? Dried ? 6oz


Active Member
the leaves were dead DEAD like call the undertaker dead but when i was clipping the leaves i did not see the sacks but there are sacks there mixed in with the bottom growth and the 6 once bud was 6.41 onces when clipped and dried she was around 5 once


Well-Known Member
Can you take pics of these sacs on the bottom growth.
P.s. Jorge Cervantes Rocks. The only book I ever read was the his growing bible.


Well-Known Member
if you see any more sacks try to remove them carefully.make sure u wash your hands real good before touching the plant,after removing the pollen sacks. cause if you don't you will spared pollen around.doing this will stop seed production or at least reduce the amount of seeds u careful not to spread the pollen around when doing this.don't do it around any other plants as well.good luck :)


Well-Known Member
Did you put them in 12/12 before they where mature? That would be one cause. Another could be light leaks, has to be often though. Not just a once or twice mistake.


Active Member
they have been growing really good and there is no light leak they are on 12/12 and the pther plant are doing really good lots of buds and big buds too

the only thing i can think that might have caused stress would have been cutting the top off it 3 weeks ago

and i haven't done anything different from the others that i grew

you said the bud that i posted was a fat bud is that good or bod???


Well-Known Member
It was a very Nice Looking Bud.
I bet thats what caused it to stress into a Hermie, the cutting off the top. Grow and Learn. It's albout learning.


Active Member
always learning and can never know to much

and yes i am proud of my big bud ive already been offered alot of $$$$$$$$$$ for it it is very very tasty and very stonable high

thank you very much for the help next time i will not top a plant


There can be any number of reasons that one plant would stress while its neighbors are just fine. Is it getting too much ventalation(is the fan blowing on it too long or too hard?). Instead of trying to figure out why one is stressed look at it another way, what are you doing that is making the others grow fine and compare to the stressed plant. good luck


Active Member
if you're not making clones, in some way, a hermie is sometimes good ey? if its good and you are out of seeds anyway! save you some cash.

but that is a nice looking bud you got there..:joint: