My buds


:wall:Sup guys my buds are nearly ready to be picked i notice that my buds have some white shit in the middle of them (looks like cob webs almost) its an inside plant and there are no bugs. Is this normal? Thanks for your advice


Active Member
:wall:Sup guys my buds are nearly ready to be picked i notice that my buds have some white shit in the middle of them (looks like cob webs almost) its an inside plant and there are no bugs. Is this normal? Thanks for your advice
You need to post pics so we know. To hard from just a discribtion of the plant.


Well-Known Member
i hate to say it, but i've just had this experience, it sounds like mold
my plant was nl#5, and it is known for this problem
i didn't lose too much, but it still sucked


Active Member
Ummm Webbs? During Budding?? Sounds like spider mites to me bub, no bueno, if they are they can destroy your crops. They are usually brought on by high temps and humidity. There are a few things you can use to get rid of them, but some pics will def. help.

Doh, just re-read must have been to stoned, you say no bugs, thats good, but I would doublke check and look really closley just to make sure =)


Well-Known Member
good luck, you might want to invest in some kind of magnifier if you don't already have one
good for tric examination and diagnosis of some conditions, such as mold
mold could appear as a very thin cobweb on the bud, under magnification mold can be diagnosed quite quickly