my eyes are wrecked


Active Member
That's just the engine struggling, that's just a carp swimming around your legs.. That's just the blood-vessels bursting, that's just you running into a table because you can't see..


Well-Known Member
omg stop smoking for a week and see if it gets any better, if the problem persists go see an eye doctor


Well-Known Member
have u been smoking it today coz u probs just have red eye lol.
it get it all the time when im stoned


Well-Known Member
Damn if my eyes looked like that id stop smoking weed full stop WTF!

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Holy shit dude, they're gonna start using that picture in anti-pot ads now! Take a break from the smoking man, or get some ventilation where you smoke or something, that's not normal at all.

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
You got nice eyes dude :o except for the red of course.. I don't think I ever got red eyes from smoking.
My eyes tend to stay pretty clear as well, although when you smoke out a room, it's hard not to get red eyes. But there are red eyes, and there are these eyes, which are gonna be in my nightmares.


Well-Known Member
there are red glazed eyes but those are straight blood shot!! did it really get that way from just smokin weed never seen it like that!!! :fire:


Well-Known Member
Red eye is the result of dehydration. I get really bad red eye too when i smoke, but if you drink 1 glass of plain fresh water per joint or so, it should reduce the effect quite a bit.

Of course it could just be burst blood vessels which isn't uncommon. A guy i worked with sneezed, when he opened his eyes, one of them looked like an iris swimming in blood. Tasty.