My False wall.Secrect Room

Here is the deal. We are two college students living in a family apartment complex. Lets call ourselves Roosevelt and Churchill. We have grown before. Stealth was not a huge issue at the last house. We decided to turn Churchills 8x4x8 closet(with no ventilation) into a grow room. We discussed tents(don’t like that I have to keep my closet door shut) Cabs(heat issues and not doing CFL grow). We decided on a stealth wall.

The wall will cut the closet in half. (Grow room dimension 4x4x8). The other half will be a functioning closet. No one else has seen Churchills closet. We just moved. We are keeping it this way until wall is completely done. He has a girlfriend. Whom he loves but she doesn’t need to know.
It will be building a 8x4 xframe to fit flush in closet. Dry wall is going over it. The cracks will need to be filled with something(any one know of anything that can be removed easily but light proof). The entrance point to the wall is a 48x30 hole in wall. The hole will be covered by a framed mirror. The frame will be glued to the wall(mirror will be removable) what we loose in speed we gain stealth as this way it is light proof. The xfram will be firmly secured. I am not worried about that. I am just thinking about light leaks. Its only a year lease. So I don’t want to demolish the place. I am going to place a small air vent at the base then built a light trap to allow air flow. The false wall will be have the same trim as the closet.
600w digital cool tube
Room will be painted flat white. (sorry mylar not a fan of cleaning).

Inline fan and carbon filter. Another fan hooked up to cool tube blowing air through the ceiling.
Sorry, I wrote in a lot more detail. However, my computer just reason. Man thats annoying. Feel free to crique. Will be posting photos. Have all the materials just have to put it together this weekend. If you see something that we should change or havent thought of please let us now. We have only done a 3 grows. All sucessful. However, roll it up is what weed should be about. Community not for profit, how can we help one another. I dunno. Just heard about it. Love it. Thanks for letting me into your grows.

reason for edit who knew 8 + ) = 8)


Well-Known Member
if your hanging sheetrock why not just float it correctly that way you wont have any "cracks" along the corners. but ive been thinking about the same thing for a while now just to lazy and dont have the money to do it atm


Well-Known Member
...Ventilation...Inline fan and carbon filter. Another fan hooked up to cool tube blowing air through the ceiling. ....
when you say venting into ceiling, you have a place for the air to escape( like attic) and are not just trying to dump air into the space between the ceiling and the floor above it?
GeeTee I was worried about how big of a mess it would be to clean up when I left. However, thinking about it your right. I was going to try to put wheels(modify a dolly) on it so we could change the size.
Sorry for the poor explanation. Dumping hair through ceiling which will be dumped laundry exhaust. Its a really weird apt. O about the price. Most of the stuff was free from CL or cheap as far as building supplies. Appreciate the quick responses.


Active Member
I'm new, so excuse my ignorance...but I see no charcoal canister listed in the above plans? Vent to open air?

edit: is listed. must have read too fast. can't wait to see the build!


Well-Known Member
GeeTee I was worried about how big of a mess it would be to clean up when I left. However, thinking about it your right. I was going to try to put wheels(modify a dolly) on it so we could change the size.
go buy some plastic sheeting at HD or Lowes. the kind where you put down before you paint, should be in the paint department if you dont want to make a big mess and clean-up. or if you wanna spend a little more you can always get bead moldings or shoe moldings to cover the cracks and it would be easier to take down later
The babies are from clones: LSD. Vanilla Kush Big buddha cheese.Auto Russian rocket(seed) Thinking about putting some fire seeds that my friend has crossed. Its funny he gave them to me, I dont really want them though. He keeps texting me asking how they are doing. Havent started them prob wont(he lives 4 hrs away). I want to something pure see what comes out. Not looking for a ton of bud just quality we both have crappy paying jobs that pay for rent and school free bud. Ill do what Ill alway do use half harvest for edibles with extras(My grandpa who has chemo asked for brownies(not sure how he knew) and I swear to God I went to the bathroom after eating one with grandparents. I came back and they were on the ground wrestling. Hilarious. Both are members of NORML now and are retired teachers. Torn if I should soil or Dwc buckets. Soil is less work but is slower(or at least more room for error). I would love the DWC end product(big yields) and the speed in which it produces. However, as Im not sure about the temperatures yet I am thinking about doing soil the first go around I dont want to deal with frozen water bottles. Not lazy just busy, Im lucky if I am home 8 hours a day. Planning on making this perp with a small tent in another closet.
Thanks. Cant believe I didnt think of that. Rolling a cross joint of Blue Cheese. I dedicated to you guys. Wish I would have kept a mother.
Much appreciated. Looking forward to it. Started tonight. Was going to finish tomorrow. However, was asked to head into work on my day off for paper work. No worries. Soon pictures will be up.
Alright so we smoked. So I respond if this seems a little weird. Rosevelt is an engineering major. He came up with this idea. I like it. If its dumb let me know. So instead of gluing the frame shut. I plan on putting a a rack on that wall to also make it blend in with the rest of a closet. What if you put hidden hinges(hinges you cant see) on one side of the frame with a simple lock(not sure what they are called pretty much a quick release avail at HD) so the back of the simple lock attached to the drywall part would be attached to a thin wire which ran through a pully system and came out the otherside through a very narrow hole which would then be light proof. That wire could be attached to anything (a shoe a book a shirt on a rack etc) when the item would be pulled it would pull the wire wich would in effect pull the back of the lock(quick release), thus releasing the back of the lock opening the door. This would allow entrance. So even if one pulled on the mirror the simple lock would hold its place not allowing entrance which would keep unwanted company out. What do you guys think is this to Scooby Doo? I know Im sure theyre are other ways to conceal a grow room. This just seems like a fun way. I mean really who doesnt want to pull a book and boom let their be light. All the best.

Edit: New idea Alright, I think we have modified a door handle for this to work. We did some rigging on the inside of the lock. So that basically a normal door handle can be mounted to a wall which is then in place a quick release. So if you look at it. Its flat. So it fits nearly(needs some work not going to lie). We have figured out the pully system with string not perfect either but its not steel to much bend. It is pretty cool the lock work some what well needs some work.. I mean if this works the same when we mount everything. We should be able to pull a book and then the door opens. Magnets will also be in place.
New idea. New idea for quick release came tome in my sleep. Just a lock that they have on fences. Ill be using that.

Write back on saturday all the best.


Active Member
I actually had that exact setup. I built a false wall and had the quiick release setup when u pulled a thin wire the door pushed in. We were growing at a friends house and him and girl got into and well you know how it goes. Well when his mom sent his older bro into the shed to find it he was in aww when he couldnt find anything but a flat wall. lol. The ac unit hanging out the back of the shed clearly gave it away. Everything worked perfectly i actually add a small caster wheel to the bottom of the false door and it slid open like it was on ice. I was running 2 cool tubes and my enviroment was perfect. I hope you get this going. Im interested in seeing pics. I can offer my help tho I am noob at growing I am a master carpenter and have built some wuit amazing grow areas in the past :)


Well-Known Member
hey fatchurchill instead of putting handles on it where it could be seen you should go to the cabinetry section in lowes or HD and buy sum of those magnetic push locks where they lock and you have to push it to open again will be much stealthier then a handle sticking out of the frame of the mirror. also for hinges they make hidden hinges for cabinetry you can also use. GL bro and put some finished pics up
Hey, thanks. Im sure I will be asking for some help. Neither of us are experts in carpentary. To be honest, I think the most important aspect of growing is creating a good enviroment lights, ventilation, etc. So if you can build an area that gives your plants a chance to suceed. This being said I am not a expert but grew up growing on a family self sustaining farm for a backyard.

New ideas. Since its an apartment and space we do not have a lot of space. I also want perpertual. These could be conflicting. What if we hung a veg box high. The inside would be similiar to many stealth cabs. Dimensions in inches:18W24inH36L.The Material would be basically DIY tent. I would Make a frame out of thin but sturdy pipes. Then find a light proof material(pvc with out chems) to wrap it in then sew on a zipper? What do you think? I was thinking longer rather than tall as I will probably use fluros due low heat. I would insert pc fans for exhaust. This way I could use cheap HD fluros. I love the hyrdro store but I dont have that much money for buying lights. I do buy nutes and soil(started using FFOF easier than making your own). Im not bragging or hating on the hydrostore(they are helpful and awesome) however, I got the light system for 120 off CL so I really am a huge fan. :)

So on the otherside of wall is my bathroom. which has a bathroom fan on that same wall. I was thinking instead of using the laundry room I could just take out the insides of the bathroom fan and let the exhaust run through there. This will not allow me use the fan to get rid of smell but I think it is more stealth and easier. What do you all think.

I was thinking about adding C02 to the mix during flowering. Never have done the spray bottle or the DIY. It seems like work that I dont want to do. Ive read that you get a 20-30%boost in yield and have seen. However, Im not selling so this is irrelevant. So does C02 also improve taste or quality? Also is a PPM controller necisary? Could you just put a valve on a timer. Once again I am not an expert. This is the reason why I ask questions?

I think growing should be the least work possible through the use of technology(which I know conflicts with my organic roots(I prefer hydro but doing a FFOF until I figure out room temps), but hell I want maximum output for minimum input). To be honest, I dont know how a hydro company hasnt created a sensor that would add nutes when they sense one nutrient has gone up and down. I mean we built a simple computerprogram for our coffee maker that can adjust how much cream and sugar per fl oz that passes through the perculator If a Grow Cab company can figure a way to design and implement this then truly a plug and chug cab. Ill play around with some ideas in my head see what comes up. Let me know if Im just sleep deprived.

Neither of our mother toungues are english. I appologize for poor grammar.

Stay safe and stay stealth
All the best.
Quick question. I dont mean to bring up bad blood. I understand this isnt a political forumn. However, how do Americans not want to march to Washington kick ass and take names? Im not saying revolution. Eitherside of the fence you are on this is ridiculous and an embarassment. Im sorry for you all, I hope this gets worked out! I love Obama, but damn those Tea Party. O god they are so stupid. As an economists, I love their facts. We keep them in the office to laugh like cartoons. I promise there is no economic value to ANYTHING they say. For every dollar USA raises taxes 1.24 is put into the economy. In comparison to every dollar that is cut, 80cents is lost in the economy. These numbers vary from economist to economist. However for the most part it is around that area. Much love and sorry to put my European nose where it doesnt belong...Its just my job. stay safe.


Well-Known Member
america is so fucked up now, from when i was growing up. pretty much the majority of the population has the mindset that the world revolves around them. reality tv and all these so-called famous and rich celebrities has changed america for the worst. its all about "me" and what i got. its sad really and the government is no better. doesnt matter if its a repubican or demobrat in office they're only out for themselves and make laws to benefit themselves.


Well-Known Member
drywall will support mold. Plus its big, heavy, and messy as fuck.

jsut get some panda film at the grow store and be done with it.