My First CFL grow (closet) strains: The Purps (BC BudDepot) and an unkown


Active Member
Hey everyone, im on my first grow and ive decided to document it. Ive been readin on the RIU forums for a while now, and ive gotta say its saved me a couple times so far. The strain that i know im growing is The Purps from BC Bud Depot (60% sativa, 40% indica)
my setup includes:
125W CFL + 15W 21inch flouro tube

Home made CO2 injector made with 2 liter pop bottle, sugar and yeast. i change it every 2 weeks. havent quite figured out where to put the tube

water once every 3 days (pH around 6.1)

i have an oscilating fan blowing most of the time

temps range from 23 degrees C to 27.3 degrees C when lights are on
humidity is around 40%-55%
sometimes i have the sliding door closed, sometimes is open

they are on a 24/0 light schedual right now

I am using organic potting soil with perlite and compost in it. i have nutriants but havent used much yet

The Purps i got from a friend as a clone, and i germinatd a seed from some good weed using paper towel method

I got the clone 2 weeks and 4 days ago(September 27,2008, and the unknown sprouted 2 days ago (October 11,2008

i will try and update as much as possible and i appriciate all comments and feedback thanks!!:bigjoint:

The Purps (taken today)

The Purps (from the top)

My grow space

The Unknown

The Purps from side view


Well-Known Member
I would go another few inches, but try that for a few days and make sure your temps don't get too high.


Active Member
thanks man, put another book underneath it

so the purps looks different then most plants at this stage, is that due to the fact its a clone, or the strain? most seem to have big, definitive leaves where as mine kinda looks like leaves coming from one central point as opposed to different branches
is it the sativa genetics preasent? or
am i just really baked? lol


Active Member
alright i furthur adjusted it, and i would like to thank you both for your advice, keep it coming

the light is now 4-5 Inch. from the light

anyone have anythin so say about how its growing? it does not look like any other young plant i have seen but then again i havent seen very many
is it because its a clone?