My first grow, Auto 'Critical' under CFL's! pic heavy


Well-Known Member
Thought I'd open up a grow journal, im 2 weeks 3 days from seed and I think all is going well so far! Im growing 1x 'feminised seed bank's Critical' as it boasts good yield and a very fast grow time : seed to harvest in 8-10 weeks.

Its growing (for now) in a crappy card board box lined with mylar with 2x 65w cfls, 1 2700k 1 6500k and a large desk fan for ventilation. It will be moving to a new space soon with more lighting too! Currently on 20/4 cycle

Anyway, heres the pics! I've taken one every day since it popped the surface.














15 Transplanted her here as I was starting to see the roots through the plastic.


Here I attempted to top the plant, although i've now been told not to top autos duhh. Anyway I think i nicked the stem of the smaller developing fan leaf as it stopped growing and is still small and retarded looking. Live and learn

Side view:

Thanks for looking.


sub' of luck to you and your girls my friend, im new here aswell but theres most definately a wealth of resources here to pull from. Do as you will but my 1st grow was of a critical lineage aswell "il diavolo by delicious seeds" but w/ auto's dont fim/top or cut fan leaves on um, anytime you stress them your just taking away their growth momentum although LST is pretty sweet, anywho rock on bud.



Well-Known Member
Cheers guys, gonna start to foliar feed today, need to find a good spray bottle first as the one i've got just dribbles water onto the leaves:|


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Right guys, just moved it out of the box to behind my desk ;)

Lined it with reflective material, not sure what it is got it from my local hydro store. The 2 6500k lights are basically dangling down being held by some weights at the top, the two 2700k ones are clamped onto the side of the desk so I cannot get them on their side unfortunatly. The plant is raised up on some boxes atm as it grows I can lower it down. Its got a 16" deskfan blowing under my desk for ventilation and the temps are nice. Needs a bit of tidying up, but I think its alright:)



do it to it bud, lol couldnt do that setup myself. I kick the crap outta my subwoofer under my desk as really hate to be stompin all over my babies houses. As far as your bulbs vertical do u think you could screw a piece of 1x2 or 2x4 to the underside of your desk on the center of the grow area and clamp your lights to the spine of it thus flippin um sideways??


Well-Known Member
do it to it bud, lol couldnt do that setup myself. I kick the crap outta my subwoofer under my desk as really hate to be stompin all over my babies houses. As far as your bulbs vertical do u think you could screw a piece of 1x2 or 2x4 to the underside of your desk on the center of the grow area and clamp your lights to the spine of it thus flippin um sideways??

Thats a good idea, but as im in student accomadation I dont think they would appreciate me defacing thier property, let a lone cultivating things;)


Well-Known Member
Started to see the first pairs of hairs appearing at a few nodes! YAY

Side view:


Side view:


So much new growth budding now, its gonna get even more bushy! I've tried to raise the lights to see if I can get it a bit taller.


Well-Known Member
Shes a very quick grower, the seed bank claims seed to harvest in 8-10 weeks with a high yield. Not sure what I'll get with 200 actual watts of CFL thats on her now though


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Im foliar feeding daily with a 1/8th strength solution of 20-20-20. watering whenever top half inch is dry, every other watering is with 1/4 strength 20-20-20 the rest is just water. Think its going well so far, although there is some white patchyness on leaves which ive been told could be a phosphorous deficiency caused by soil ph, ph meter and ph up/down are on the way though:)

Im trying to make the plant a bit taller, moved it away from the lights by about 3 inches to hopefully get some stretch as its only about 7 inches tall at the moment!

Also, anyone know when I should switch to flowering nutes? just got the first few sets of pistils .


i assume that 20-20-20 your using is jacks classic?? if so keep it simple and try the bloom booster jack's, its like 3-9-6 or 10-30-20. just stay light like u have been, im sure u know bout them freaking out with nutes lvls comparable to reg strains. other then that you may need some cal/mag


Well-Known Member
i assume that 20-20-20 your using is jacks classic?? if so keep it simple and try the bloom booster jack's, its like 3-9-6 or 10-30-20. just stay light like u have been, im sure u know bout them freaking out with nutes lvls comparable to reg strains. other then that you may need some cal/mag
I dont know about them freaking out?

Im using chempak nutrients, their citrus winter feed is 20-20-20 with trace and their cactus feed is 8-34-32 with trace which i'll be using for flower.


may wanna look around some on here but a value of 32k sounds high to me personally. again dont take my word as fact, have a look. regarding the freaking out thing this is what i meant, generally speaking auto's cant handle full strength nute doses like u would use on a photo strain so your 1/4 strength doses are prob bout right


Well-Known Member
Alright, i thought feeding regularly in small doses would make it easier to catch nute burn early.