My first grow box [planing phase]


Hello, dear :weed: users and lovers

as you can see I am pretty new at this forum and new at growing. At first of all I have my Blueberry Dutch Passion Auto comming in about one week and I'm thinking about building my grow box.

I attached image of current space I am willing to use for grow box. I would like to grow without box, but I think the smell which would plant give would be cool for me, but not for my mom.

So the things I would like to hear your opinions of my spot from growing.

I read the bible of growers, so I hope didnt forgot too much of it. I read some forum post, but still I'm not sure about some things:

1) Will carbon filter help disposing all of the unwelcome smells coming from the box?
2) Auto flowering plant can be harvested few times (as my friend said), but I'm not sure i get it. You take on eharvest, and then after another period of 12/12 u get one or few more?

One more point, I can extend my blue (in the picture) space up to 15 cm's if it's really necessary.

Should I concider using LED lighting? It's kinda cheaper, but is it better for grow?

Thank you in advance for your help and please forgive me for my poor english skillzzz. :)



Well-Known Member
yeah lol you sound like your from pakistan haha dont worry for the english, anyway, carbon filter does help removing smells. you definitely need more height, i you add 15cm you will barely have enough height and will require techniques to keep them short. try get more height, make a shallow and wide container to save some height. LED is not in any way cheaper or better. i would get a 150w HPS grow 2 plants top them tie them or scrog to keep them short. dont fall in the same mistake of getting led for flower, hps is the way


Nah man, I'm european lol. Anyway, thank you for your advice. As i read about Blueberry Dutch Passion strain, they have strong strains so as I understood I should bend them with wires or someth like that, that shouldn't be a problem.

I have another spot, which I have I could have about meter of height. Maybe more.

But the first one would be perfect for me. And is those techniques of controlling the height of plant is complicated and requires big skillz?


Well-Known Member
no big skills, just need to know how to top and tie branches to keep them low


Hm, just as I think I read enough of growing it seems to be never ending story.

Anyway, BUMP.

Got some more questions if any1 can answer me, I would appreciate that.

1) When making SOG (Sea of Green) you can make it only from some types of plants?

Why do I ask? I was planing to make my grow box not so tall so I could plant some seeds, get some wealthy mother, make some clones and grow em with NICE TOPPING TECHNIQUE and so I could get a nice sea of green, with not so tall plants.

- Now, I'm not sure, that the seeds I'm getting (it's still Blueberry Dutch Passion autoflowering feminised) can be cloned and topped?
- If I will grow my plant (18/6) to be not so tall to stick to my limited space and then switch to 12/12 will it still provide me with some nice bud?


Well-Known Member
forget about SOG for a start, it's not a goal by itself, it's only a technique that maximizes your yield over time but if you are going to set it as a goal by itself, you will waste so much time waiting for the mother plnt to grow then the clones to root, so it will be like5-6 months before you get your first hrvest. what i suggest is that you plant some seeds wait until they show sex top them and clone then flower them early, by the time they flower the clones would be big enough to clone from again and to flower.
-autoflowers cannot be cloned.
-you can go 24/0 then 12/12 for faster results.


Well-Known Member
yeah you can top any plant, although some respond to it better than others