My first grow cfl all the way


Well-Known Member
So after some tinking and reading i decided to make my first indoor grow cfl all the way.
i have a 3sqf area for veg and another 3sqf for flower with only 2 ft tall( of complete free space from top of pots to 3 inches from light).
Im gona have 6 cfl with 6700k with a 3200lm per sqf +/- and 12 warm white for flower giving 4500lm sqf +/- . i Have 1 pc fan pulling air in and one pulling air out (will ad more iff needed) goint to lst them and plant them in a 3 galon pots.
fert-biobizz - biobloom and bio-grow

Know i question do you guys think i can put 4 plants veg and 4 flower with that small space?

will ad pictures soon finishing the veg part


Active Member
I think I'm going to have similar worries when I start my grow. From what I've gathered, Low Strength Training would be ideal. Here's a little something if you need a place to start. Uncle Ben's Topping Method may also work, but may not provide as many bud sites as a well-trained, low-stressed plant given any height restrictions. I'm going to try both soon:D Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to have similar worries when I start my grow. From what I've gathered, Low Strength Training would be ideal. Here's a little something if you need a place to start. Uncle Ben's Topping Method may also work, but may not provide as many bud sites as a well-trained, low-stressed plant given any height restrictions. I'm going to try both soon:D Good luck!
I have lst plants before since i have some experience with outdoors growing. as topping im a litlle scared and gonna try FIm first and only top one of so i can learn:lol:


Active Member
Good idea! Keep me posted. Should give me some ideas. Unless I get started first! Haha, I'm planning on picking up the bulk of my supplies this weekend. Good luck


Active Member
with that area i would only got with 2 plants for veg an 2 for flower. just to be on the safe side givin the amount of space you have to work with

another thing, if you only got 2 feet in height to work with then as soon as your plant is about 4-6 inches tall you will need to flower, no joke

remember, wile in flowering your plant will double, even triple in size.

good luck bro


Well-Known Member
with that area i would only got with 2 plants for veg an 2 for flower. just to be on the safe side givin the amount of space you have to work with

another thing, if you only got 2 feet in height to work with then as soon as your plant is about 4-6 inches tall you will need to flower, no joke

remember, wile in flowering your plant will double, even triple in size.

good luck bro
Tks man i have made a improvised grow room for know until i can finish my final grow room ( the nearest grow shop around me is like 80 miles away) its know 1 week since i put them in the soil and all 4 seeds sprouted :-P
im using soil with nutes in them for 2 or 3 weeks with a n-p-k of 10-10-10 and a ph of 5.8.
i have an average of 2500lumens in this setup that i will prob use for clones.



Well-Known Member
since im going to keep them small do to space having only 2ft high to work.
What do you guys think i should buy a 15*15*20 pot or get one a little bigger?


Active Member
if you got 4 plants. givein your height restrictions 4 1 gallon pots should be good. thats what im using and i havnt had not 1 problem with em yet and im almost 2 weeks into flowering.

some rep would help me out since im helping you out lol.


Active Member
The rule of thumb is 1 gal/ft vertical growth. Seeing as you're going to need to keep things low I'd go with a 1-1.5 gal pot. The plants probably won't become root-bound in pots of that size if they're kept less than 2' tall. Definitely going to be checking back in!


Active Member
Looking forward to it! How are your lights set up? Power bar? Y-Spliiters? PVC? Just hanging out?! Adjustable? Haha! Peace, man!


Well-Known Member
in the improvised they are just hanging but im gonna put them in a wood like shelf in a y formation. i will get more material today so prob this weekend ill have at least the veg part finished ill post some pictures.
I was actually looking for some y splitters but i cant find them anywere here tryed every place and the only place i found them was in legrand store and they are expensive 7.50€ each.

So i start building it after doing the math without being high, end up with a 27inches long, 18inches wide, and 3ft high for veg and the same for the flower room. i got two 6 inches bathroom extract fans( i will put equal fans pulling air in). the light is the same 12 w.w cfl in flower room and 10 for the veg room (still working in the best config for them), the pots im going with is 1 galon pot all the way.
keep them small and test the setup and change if needed, dint find mylar so i went with a white film that is black on the back (dont know the name of it).


looking good keep it up.. definitely with that many plants you want to do some strength training..
Try an lst grow along with topping your plants for 2-4 main colas

check out my current grow fer some info and pics.. link below.. ----vvvvv


Well-Known Member
im going to lst all of them and fim and will top one never try it before so a little scared of messing up so ill put 1 extra clone so i can do my experimentsand learn wit that one and keep with what i know in the others. And since i will have the improvised grow were they are know free ill put that extra one in there with a male plant to get some seeds.

ho by the way i'm finding hard to get some of the soils you guys speak of.
is a soil with: n-p-k per kg - 14-16-18.
dry material 35%
organic material 85%
water retention 80%
and ph of 5.8

is anything good , average, or just bad?


Well-Known Member
dude i wouldnt use a soil with any nutes in it like that.. its harder to at ur actual nutes after. it will be hard to judge and u could give nute burn. people dont recomend soil with nutes in it. try to use a good mix of perlite vermiculite peat moss and some other. theres lots of threads on here that have there soil mix on here.


At any local garden store you can pick up a good bag of dirt. I recomend looking online for either grow stores or garden stores and search through..

If not you can mix your own dirt with.. bat guano, perlite, etc.


Well-Known Member
Those nutes in the soil i told you is just like the ones in those soils people speak its just for 2 or 3 weeks time as thats the time they are seedlings +/- i cant find fox farm or any of those brands in my country so im thinking on going with biobizz or canna soil but those have nutes in them. im a little confused here i usualy used the soil in the ground on my back yard and just planted a handful of seeds take out the males and let nature do the rest so sorry for the dumb questions.
im prob only gonna use nutes in flower since im not going to veg them for that long i don't have that much space upwards.

ho and tanks to all the help you guys have giving me you all have helped a lot.