My first grow from comparison experiment


Hey everyone... this is my first grow from seed and I am really just jumping in and experimenting some of it, so we will see how it turns out!

First off, I have a 4'x4'x4' veg area with a 150 watt CFL that lights the thing very nicely. Might get another, but I'm gonna wait and see if I need it.

I have a 400w and 600w HPS over my flowering area pointed at slight angles each.

So.... here's my plan. And please feel free to chime in at any time, I'm not worried about people posting in here... I'd actually rather have it that way.

Ok, I made a DWC with 3 spots in it from a rubbermaid tub. In this, I am going to put

The Church, Blue Cheese, and Chiesel. I am planning on using Pure Blend Pro with this. So far I have geminated all of the seeds, and soaked 2 inch rockwool cubes in 5.5 ph water with a tiny tiny bit of Bcuzz root in it. Squeezed most of the water back out so they were just damp. put my germinated seeds in and filled my 5" net pots about halfway with aquarium rocks. put the cube in, and filled it over with the rocks, making sure that it was covered, but that it was loos in the middle so they could poke out. As for right now, I just have them sitting in the veg room and am going to hand water them until theyve gotten roots and then put them in the DWC.

Then I have Bubba Kush which I put in some soil that I got at my local nursery that is their own mix and supposedly has no nutes in it. I just put that in a solo cup wnd dropped it in a hole and covered it. I am planning on using Pure Blend Pro on this also.

I have a Pineapple Express that I put in coco... I bought a bag of it when I was out of town and had never used it, so I put it in a solo cup just like soil. I am going to use Jacks Dynamic Duo on this.

I have a Super Lemon Haze that is in a solo cup full of soil and am planning on using Jacks Dynamic Duo on this as well.

And last but not least, I have a Purple Lady (I ordered purple Haze, but attitude sent me this instead) that is in soil and I am planning on using the Fox Farm Trio on it because I have some left over from my last grow.

All the soil ones and the coco one I watered VERY lightly, I almost think not enough, but I didn't wanna drown them. I ph'd my water for that to 6.5.

So... like I said I'm a total newb and I am fully experimenting most of this, but I was happy that all of my seeds germed except the diesel, so I figured it was time to do some experimentin!

Please let me know if there is anything you would change about this plan, or if there's something I'm doing totally wrong, and I am open to all suggestions!

Thanks, I will post pics as soon as they come up!
yer thats the plan lol just remember when you put the seeds in the pots to keep them dark for 3/4 days till they poke out of the soil. and keep the heat at a nice 75F and dont over water them they dont like that to much lol. keep me up to date and have a look at my grow im a newb to lol. thanks