My First grow(late flowering)


Active Member
This is the first time i have made an attempt at growing and i love it!
This plant was grown under 2 cfls and a 18 inch aquarium fluorescent fixture
The sprout was a present from a family member who has a particular taste in horticulture.
enjoy my baby, it was some of the tastiest weed i have ever smoked; comparable to the Kush i pay extra for! She was about 27 inches tall at cut time(kept her short because of height restrictions)
This first post has pictures about 3 weeks from harvest



Well-Known Member
Very impressive if the grow has been done under just flouresents.good to see that with a little care and attention you can have a nice crop with the basics of what most folk would consider a cloneing and a light for keeping a mother in her veg state.i my self always thought that a flouresent was not powerful enougth to throw you some nice weed well done nice to see that you dont have to have all the equipment that comes along with growing now.still think that if you can do that with flouresents your crop would be tripple if you had even a 250hps.


Active Member
Thanks guys.
Yea, i babied her from the get go and she was good to me.
I have been trying since yesterday to download some pics of the final product but i keep getting an error message about security tokens?
My next project is going to be LST in a computer box. See how that goes, and i wish i could have a couple hundred watt fixture but till i get my own place no grow ops for me ahha