My first grow Pics and a little question!


Active Member
Hi everyone, my first serious and patient grow, just wanted to post some pics to know how you think Im doing, and a littlee question..

I´ve been growing indoorsand outdoors not on a regular schedule just ocassionally as if my parents are not home or if its a very sunny day, Indoors I vave 3 CFL´s...

well my plant is about 3 months olds, its a female, showed sex about two weeks ago, just when it did so I topped it.
now here are some of the pics, and I have a little question about the last picture..
the tips and borders of some of the topmost leaves are getting brown, like burnt. I dont use any nutes.. and I use soil from my backyard, wich is actually very good soil, besides I live in colombia so we have very fertile soil.. anyway thnx for viewing and repliyng.



Active Member
the fourth atchment is the picture where I show the damage.... anyway I repotted my little lady some hours ago.. her previous pot was completely full of roots, now its on a veeery big pot..


Active Member
Ok so I think maybe its burning because of the cold, its been freezing at nights in here, but still I dont know, anyway besides from the little problem how are you seeing my plant¡??


Well-Known Member
prettty nice plants dude but i would say forget about growing indoors with 3 cfls the sun in colombia is 10000 x better than 3 cfls.... dont bother with that crap just leave em in the blazing sun outdoors....!!!!!!!!!! as long as temps dont go below like 50*F or 14*C you should be ok... GOOD LUCK


Active Member
I just cutted off all those brownish tips, and no signs of new ones, Im betting it was ice burnt!! so now I mist my plants every night leave them very moist so they wont burn no more, it seems to like the new pot and as I tolld I topped almost ebvery growing tip on a plant and Ive counted like 16 tips with little whiteee hairs!!.. its true you can almost see the plants grow when they strat to flower I swear it was a little smaller yesterday!! XD


Active Member
oh and btw, I was growing indoors because we just got through the worst winter ever!!!!!! but since last week its all sunny!