My First Grow.. pics


hey all... this is my first grow here.. i bought a pack of sensi seeds 25 in pack for indorr/outdoor growing.. im growing indoors with a 600w HPS
the soil im using is biomix light

tomorrow are three weeks since i planted them in soil.. it took 2-3 days to germinate the seeds

24 of 25 seeds sprouted.. then i had catapillars on week two which ate four of my plants so that leaves me with 20 plants they are a mix so i dont know yet how many girls i have.. im just gonna wait till flowering stage i dont want to put them i flowering and back to veg..

i have 18 very healthy lookin plants.. then i have one very small and the other one has a yellow colored leaves..

i also have two bud Auto plants which i will put under 400w 18/6 hours when the other plants will go to flowering..

ive been only giving them water now for three weeks they look like they need some nutes it looks like the plant is eating the bottom leaves for nutes? is that possible??

temp is around 24-30°c

the fertilizer i have is Maria Green.. bottle of vegetive and one bottle of flowering

it says i should give them on a 7-10 days basis

now... some pics



Active Member
that last plant pic is fucked, i'd chuck it out not worth the time. also i think they will start outgrowing those pots soon, you should look at airpot/smartpots since it looks like you might run out of soil space. rest looking healthy though good job


i have problem with one of the plants the leaves are looking kinda sad? overwatering?? the guy at the grow shop said i should water the plants very well and then after 2-3 days give them nutrients?

Garden weeds

Active Member
looking good apart from that last pic like crazyman said. bin that fucker its not worth the time. sounds like you are unsure on how much and when to water your plants, get yourself a moisture meter, it will tell you when its wet and dry etc on a scale. i give my plants nutes once every 5-6 days, looking good though u got quite a bunch growing there. happy growing... GW


yeahh dont know whats going on with that plant hehe... i know more or less when to water them and how much.. i think hehe.. but this is what the guy from the shop said.. whats up with the leaves on the first pic? its the only plant which has this problem.. any help would be great.. im not ready for a funeral yet :( dont wanna loose them.. but i have to say im getting obsessed with my plants and this is very exciting.. this is my first grow.. ive been reading about growing since last year so i finally deceided to go ahed :)


should i get bigger pots? or will theese do? also should i trim the plant or should i just let her grow?

tomorrow i will start to give them fertiziler :)


plants getting bigger wooo:) i put 9 of them in a 120x120x200 grow tent.. on of the bigger plants looks burnt.. is it the heat? its probably around 32-35°c in there ive got extraction from the tent with a filter.. could it be nutrient burn? ive only fed the plants once.. this plant is a big bigger than the others so im thinking heat stress?


i had to get rid of the plant in pic one aswell she was all burned and not looking good can anyone tell me the problem?


Active Member
I can't speak for nutes as I haven't used any yet, but get bigger containers before long. They need more than they are in now if you haven't changed them yet.


how big pots should i go for then? the guy at the grow shop theese would do :S:S

its been a week now since i gave them fert.. im planning on changing the lights to 12/12 in few days

i have watered the plants two times since i gave them fert.. do i need to flush or do anything before i change the lights? thankss


Well-Known Member
if your gonna flip in a few days it wont hurt to put them in a 3 gal or bigger pot. remember the more room the roots have the bigger the plant/yield


ok.. i dont know how many females i have.. so can i wait for some time and wait for sex to appear and then move them girls to bigger pot? also should i give them vegetive fert the first 2 weeks in flowering?


Active Member
I am going out on a limb here and say that you 'can' re pot during flowering, but it would cause undue stress ( a lot more than if you did it during vegging stage). If you would like to go that route.. then I would say after a couple of weeks of vegging take a clone from each and put them into flowering. This will allow you to see witch might turn out female and worthy of transplanting.

edit: sorry, you have already a couple of weeks of vegging... I would clone and force flower those to get an idea.


uff cloning all of them 20 is gonna be alot of work i think ill just take the chance with repotting in flowering :S:S

they are now around 60-70cm hopefully they will show sex in the next week

2gallon pot should be enough for this size correct?

and also should i give them veg fertilizer the first week of pre flowering?