My first grow running into problems plz help

Hi guys this is the first time I've been on this forum I've just started my first grow a little while a go and I've hit a brick wall my plants seem to have just stopped growing. They are under a 600 watt mh light the plants are regular Kerala- skunk feminised at the beginning I basically killed them by over feeding wit nutrients I was told to stop feeding wit nut and just feed with watar they did come back to life aftar a while and started growing again but now they have just stopped they look healthy so I don't no what I'm doing wrong can someone plz help any info would be great as I don't have a clue and I'm not going to pretend that I do I will post some pics once I no how to thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
The problem is your trying to grow without even a clue. Thats going to continue to be a problem. You need to do a little reading on the subject. For instance, if you had, you would have known not to give nutes to a seedling.
It doesnt happen all by itself, its up to you to learn how to do it right.


Well-Known Member
Well... since you don't have a clue...

For sure it's over watered...
and Underwatered at the same time...
Probably not watering through...

Does water drip out when you water ? How much...
If you look at the holes in bottom of pot... look at the medium... is it wet there?
Is your top soil wet or damp or dry?

Give us something....