My First Grow seTup


Active Member
hey this is my first grow setup i got going i had about 5 plants had to get rid of 2 and the 3rd mature one turned out male so i cut him down and made brownies

but yea here they are

i got lucky with two females

this is just basic bagseed from some home grown chronic but i know my stuffs gunna be better since its indoor and it smells dank

one of the plants has the full 9 leaves

and the other goes up to 7 i dont know the difference but hopefully they are both good the one with 9 leaves is growing alot quicker and its outgrowing its box

is 5 cfls on the top enough light because i see some of the bottom leaves drooping

any help woul;d be apreciated or advice thanks


LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
They look streched a lil from node to node, but over all, it looks good... nice and green...5 cfls are not enough for them tall plants .. u should try to put some more on the bottom half of your plants


Active Member
thanks will do i can tell the bottom are lacking more light but is stretching bad cus i was told to put the lights higher so the plant will grow talller i used to have it nice short and bushy


Well-Known Member
Nice lookin' plants. Do your CFL's get hot? I made a custom hood out of some sheet metal it just seems to make everything hotter in my grow box, so thinking about just hanging them solo like yours.


Active Member
Nice lookin' plants. Do your CFL's get hot? I made a custom hood out of some sheet metal it just seems to make everything hotter in my grow box, so thinking about just hanging them solo like yours.

nah they dont get too hot just a lil warm but the plants like the warmth i had to extend my box those pics show the plantsz waaay too close to the lights i just added about 2 more feet the put the roof back on but yea i just drilled like 8 holes on my roofing i made and hung them with sum bungiees cords and when the plant reaches the light i tie a knot in the bungiee to raise the lights but i still need more light in the middle sections and bottoms of the plants but i dont know how to get it right there i have no space in my box i just cant wait for 1 more month till i can smoke my own shitn hahaha