My First Grow


Active Member
:peace: and Hello.I did some research on these forums, which are kick ass by the way. I found out that I could use CFL's. I currently have 2 plants in there second day of flowering. I know to use the red packaged CFL's for flowering. I know I should have bought 2700k but all they had was 3000k. Will that hurt my babies?

I have 3x40 watt bulbs over the plants, and 3x26 watt bulbs sitting lower. That is a total of 12,600 Lumens and 750 eqivalent watts. That should be enough right? I am on a small budget and I know my yield wont be huge. What type of bud density could I expect ranging from really wispy, wispy, decent or pretty good. I know i wont get great buds, I am just curious what to expect.

Sorry for the long post. Any comments would be appreciated. Advice needed!:joint:


Well-Known Member
your color is alright but I'd suggest a couple more 40 watt bulbs lower on the plants to help with the lower bud sites.


Well-Known Member
:peace: and Hello.I did some research on these forums, which are kick ass by the way. I found out that I could use CFL's. I currently have 2 plants in there second day of flowering. I know to use the red packaged CFL's for flowering. I know I should have bought 2700k but all they had was 3000k. Will that hurt my babies?

I have 3x40 watt bulbs over the plants, and 3x26 watt bulbs sitting lower. That is a total of 12,600 Lumens and 750 eqivalent watts. That should be enough right? I am on a small budget and I know my yield wont be huge. What type of bud density could I expect ranging from really wispy, wispy, decent or pretty good. I know i wont get great buds, I am just curious what to expect.

Sorry for the long post. Any comments would be appreciated. Advice needed!:joint:
wispy, be potent still


Well-Known Member
Also, equivalent watts don't mean a thing, it's the actual wattage that counts.m plus you can only get at max a gram of bud per watt, but that's using a SOG method.


Well-Known Member
generally smoker, and cigarette stores carry bongs and stuff like that.

Edit: well there was a post above this one asking about headshops but well..deleted


Active Member
Thank you so much guys. So as it stands with the light I have I could expect wispy buds. If I do like kieahtoka says. and add a couple more 40's then I should get decent buds I hope.

I topped one of them today so I could start cloning. I cant wait to see if I can pull that off. I read in the FAQ just cut and put in water. That helps cuz I dont have root hormone.


Active Member
I have read that in a hot enviroment you can use a/c to cool the room. I have my plants in the attic where it gets hot. In order to contain light and have air circulation I need the plants tight by the a/c. Would the cold air blowing directly on the plants hurt them? Or should I put the plants on the floor and let the air blow over them

If I raise the plants they will be close to the ceiling where light can reflect off the roof. Otherwise with them on the floor it seems light can escape up.

However they are being blown directly byt the a/c. If I lower them light possibly escapes up, but air circulates above them. Which way do you think I should put them?
Help a brother out and tall me what I can do for my plants please


Active Member
I topped my plant and have a clone starting. If I can get it to to root, Ill will be really starting with a nice plant. This is a cool hobby.


Active Member
I am begining to think that the only reason I grew the first 2 plants is to get. my first clone. It looks beautiful. If it makes roots I am going to have a beautiful start. I have miracle grow organic mix for it to go into. It is 10% nitrogen and .05 ph .05 potash.

This mix has peat moss, composted bark fines, natural fertilizer. I cant wait for this one to get going. Its so pretty!


Active Member
Seems like a have good news and eh news. It looks like one of my plants is showing sex. It appears to be female it has what appearrs to be pistils just forming. They are really small but not in the shape of balls. I hope they stay that way.

My other plant is kind of drooping. The leaves are curling in at the edges. I also noticed about a third of the way down on that same plant a smaller leaf is totally wilted. I have not over watered. I am doing the same things for both plants one looks great one is droopy. Please help.

Also I read that in nature light doesnt shine under the leaves. I have lights sitting down low shining up on the plants as well as some hanging over them. What should I do about the light? Leave it or move it.


Active Member
Any comments would be appreciated on the above post. I was also wondering about toppin the plant on the second day of flowering I didnt do to much damage did I?


Active Member

I found my camera its better than my camera phone. I am sorry they are not the best quality. I am going to take more pics in a bit. Its A ghetto set up but for now its working....I am financially challenged!


Active Member
I found out 2d one of my plants were male. I have removed it from the room at the furst sign of balls. I was wondering what I can do with the plant? Should I just pull it up?

Any advice is appreciated!

I was at the 9th day of flowering.


Well-Known Member
If you want to you can keep it going in another room and just water it every so often, when the balls start to drop cut as many off as you can and keep them in a sealed container, when your ready, get a little brush and paint some on to the lower bud sites and you will get more seeds ;-)