My first grow.


Well I'm not sure where to start, so I guess the best place would be at the beginning.

:leaf:#1 Seeds. They came from some real nice bud I had a year or so ago. I wrapped them up and placed in the vegetable draw of the refrigerator for a year. 12 seeds to start, 10 successfully germinated.

:leaf:#2 Soil. The soil I used was off the shelf Miracale Grow 21-7-14

:leaf:#3 Pots. I used 8" 1 gallon pots. I drilled drain holes and filled with sterilized gravel.

:leaf:#4 Lights. I used 2- 300 watt coil fluorescent, 4 - 24" 17 watt florescent grow lights ( rated at 75 watts output per light) and 1 - 125 watt incandescent grow bulb. For a total of 1025 watts.

:leaf: Now onto the grow.
I went with a 14 hour on and 10 hour off light cycle. The vegetative stage I choose was 60 days. At that time the plants were approximately 36" tall. They all had heavy undergrowth.
I cut the light cycle to 15 hours off and 9 hours on for the flowering stage.After about a week I was able to sex the plants. 10 males and only 2 females.
After 8 weeks of flowering the plants started to show signs of the end of its cycle. Lower fan leaves yellowing and the fan leaves at the buds were drying, and almost felt like plastic at one time. So I decided that they were ready. The trichromes became milky white, and and the buds were saturated with trichromes. I felt like crying, but i knew what I had to do. After the tears went away, I manicured the buds and hung in my drying area, and I now have some pretty good bud!:weed:
:leaf: The yield.
The manicured plants weighed in at 7.8 ounces and 6.5 ounces before drying. After drying and removing stems the yield was a little more than 3 ounces total both plants. i was disappointed at the yield, but like I mentioned its real nice bud.

:leaf:What went wrong?
#1 - I used no fertilizer.This I'm sure of caused reduced yield.
#2 - The pots. Is a 1 gallon pot big enough? The root balls did not seem tangled or overgrown. There was still room I believe for more growth.
#3 - The lighting and light cycle. I went with florescent for the obvious reason..cheaper to buy, and the use of electric. The light cycle I went with was to try to keep the plants at a minimum height.
:leaf: I think that just about covers it. I've included some pictures.
Thanks for reading, and any advice you may have.
:leaf: PS. I have started a new grow and have 20 plants and I'm 33 days into this grow. I could go on and on with questions about this grow, but I don't want to be a big mouth newbie. :-P



Well-Known Member
Great post! i enjoyed reading it. Lol the leaves on your plant look fucking descusting i hate that slimy look anyways im on my first grow started with 6 seeds 3 females 3 males pollinating one plant and letting the others bud put females into 12/12 2 days ago first day no diffrence now i can see huge pistils everywhere more and more are coming up!!


Well-Known Member
Great post! i enjoyed reading it. Lol the leaves on your plant look fucking descusting i hate that slimy look anyways im on my first grow started with 6 seeds 3 females 3 males pollinating one plant and letting the others bud put females into 12/12 2 days ago first day no diffrence now i can see huge pistils everywhere more and more are coming up!!
used foxfarms nutes and am going to use humbolts honey to flush it another grower i talekd to said it fatens up the buds and makes them taste way better.