My first harvest!!! yey

should i harvest this Ice?

  • yes

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • no

    Votes: 7 63.6%

  • Total voters


well, i'm finally popping my cherry. kinda fell into it, i guess. a buddy of mine convinced my to germ some seeds and see how well they'll do in my garden vs. him going indoor. ok i said. so i go and do the whole trial and error thing and end up with one female. great i say because she turned into a beast. more than i thought anyway. so long story short... my buddy has to take off and can't take the babies with him. well his are already 12 maybe more weeks into flower whereas mine are only 6 weeks. so i have to just start my knowledge of curing and drying this stuff properly. so if i could just get a straight answer, please.

i've heard many different ways to tell when the buds are ready:

the tricomes start looking amber, a 50% orange hair white hair mix, microscopes and look at the stalk by the bud and when IT starts to go....

what i don't want to do is be cuttin off all the buds every other day and send them into shock. so i'm going to upload some pictures and maybe as a collective we can go from there.

i've flushed his two babies with about 5 gal of fresh water so far and they're about due for another... so lets be quick about it folks. thanks



Well-Known Member
the pics are poor but as far as it looks id let it go another week or two. you want the hairs to receed into the cylaxs and an amber hue to take over the plant. just my 2 cents. better pics needed though............


Active Member
i usually harvest when the buds look ready, if its a strain whose pistils do change color, I wait until they have all changed, calyxes have swollen with resin, and theres a nice orange glisten on the buds. check out this post right here on rollitup, its very good advice Zeus's Take on Harvesting.

ps if that plant is nirvana's ice, then it should take 8-9 weeks to flower


DSCF1032.jpgDSCF1034.jpgDSCF1042.jpgDSCF1033.jpgDSCF1037.jpgDSCF1041.jpgDSCF1038.jpgDSCF1043.jpgDSCF1035.jpgDSCF1036.jpgyou know, now that i look at it thDSCF1039.jpge little orange hairs are folding into the buds. but lower on the branches it looks like white hairs are still forming. DSCF1040.jpg


maybe i should feed them? 1/2 feed? 1/18? i don't know. 2 of these pics are of a different strain (unknown bag weed from SoCal hella good shit though glad i found a few seeds only on fem) but these two clones of his are wiltin up leaves turning brown on the tips i don't know. i think one is going in the dark 30 hours tonight and maybe feed the other one and see how she does for a few days


ok thanks for the advice. i watered the one with a light feeding and the other one's sun leafs have ben removed and she's been put in the dark. let's keep all our fingers crossed.


Active Member
are you feeding with chemical fertilizers or organics? with organics there is no need to flush, if you do you are going to lose out on potential growth and potency.


my buddy was using fox farm additives with these 2. they where grown in soil under a LED/UFO CFL attachment. i'm thinking they didin't get the amount of light they wanted. seeing his up next to mine (whom has grown outside) the difference is clear. i'm only 8 weeks into my flower and the buds are 2.5 in in diameter and 18 inches long. but then again i'm using AN 3 part solution ontop of having God's Mighty Sun pour his love out on them. but who knows. i think i would have had a better idea of what to do with his plants if he had kept a log and didn't justDSCF1074.jpg drop these in my lap. i'm sure everything will be ok. i've smoked a little and it's bombs me out. i'm hoping that a fewDSCF1075.jpg weeks in the jar will do it some good.

are you feeding with chemical fertilizers or organics?DSCF1073.jpg with organics there is no need to flush, if you do you are going to lose out on potential growth and potency.