My first hydroponic experience


New Member
Hello to all.
This is my first hydroponic experience.
I'm using GHE nutrients and supplements.
My EC is around 1.8 and my PH is around 5.8
My hydroponic system is an Atami Wilma 4 18/25L Pot. (circulation system)
But Im using 4 of 11L and 3 of 6L..
In my system I only use tripart Flora micro, Flora grow and Flora bloom.
Every morning I add 2 pills of co2.. Usually I replace my water nutrients every week.
I also have an home made water to drain of 4L and there I use the expensive supplements. Seaweed, humic and I will start adding Delta9 from cannabiogen.
3 of those 7 it will be used to make hash and rosin.. So if they don't grew as much as the others it's fine.. When I though on that the 4 other plants had 2 week in advenced already.

Strains are:
GH Chese
Jack Herer
White widow

So for me all plants they look healthy but I would like to have more expertise guidance and tips..

I also start a new Instagram account where I will try to update at least one photo each day.



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