My First Multi-strain Perpetual Extravaganza-fest


Well-Known Member
I've recently decided to start growing my own meds. After a couple months of gathering equipment, I'm finally ready. I should say on top of this being my first multi-strain grow, it's my first grow period. That being said, I have some friends that have been growing for awhile. And on top of countless amounts of googling and stalking forums for information, I have a good grasp on it. But I figured I would give back and try to make a journal. Maybe it will help somebody?

Anyways, I just want to say any info and comments are appreciated. Anyone can post at will, I'm not gonna get butt hurt about it. Just don't be a dick about it? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
To get it started I went out and bought a few clones from a couple local places. And I came home with three strains. I got "Jack the Ripper and Space Dawg" both TGA strains. I also got a "Mean Green"(not sure background) clone. Needless to say, I'm pumped. I brought them home and put them on a bench that I made. They started under a 4ft 4 lamp T5.

couple pics



Well-Known Member
After a couple days my buddy needed a new clone, so I gave him the mean green. Needless to say I figured i should get at least two more to cover my loss. So I went to a new place and picked up a "Blue Dream and Green Crack" clone (not sure genetics).

A quick word on the nutes I'm going with. I know its a topic that has been beaten to death, but I've already got them. Its a done deal. They were practically free. The best way I just saw them described as was "Snake Oil." But I have Advanced Nutrients Sensi grow a+b, and the hobbyist bundle.

I have to say that I move the girls around alot. If you can't see the tag just ask and I'll try to help.

Also, I didn't date my pictures. So I may get the first few dates wrong.

I think this was about a week after I brought them home



Well-Known Member
Around day 8 or so I started seeing some good root growth so I went for the transplant.

I'm using pro mix HP with some added perlite. I didn't get very scientific about it, I just added a bit in a plastic bin and mixed it up.

Also, I'm going with the smart pots and some knock offs like them.

First couple pics are right after the transplant. And I think the next are closer to a week and a half. The 2 TGA strains seem to be growing the most. The Blue Dream seems kind of unhappy. The Green Crack is doing well.

I bumped up the light and turned on the other half. Now running under a 4ft 8 lamp T5.



Well-Known Member
About 2 weeks in, and things are going well. I filled in the extra gaps on the sides of the pots from where the dirt had settled from me handling them.

I fed them full strength nutes and added some Dyna-Gro Pro Tekt. I've read alot of people swear by it.

I also cut out some plastic rings to cover the soil. Just want to see what happens.

Any Questions? Feedback?

I only have one pic from here.



Well-Known Member
I decided to spray all of the plants down with GreenCure. I don't know if it will really work as a preventative? But I live in Washington, and it rains alot. Either way I figured it shouldn't really hurt. I mixed up a little less than recommended and gave them a bath. I shut off the lights for a few hours and let them dry out.

After that I moved them to my closet space, which will eventually be my stage 3 of veg. I have a 600 watt Digital MH hanging below my exhaust fan.

A few days later I sprayed them down with Dyna Gro Neem Oil. Again, I mixed up less than recommended and sprayed them down. Shut off all lights until they were dry.

After a few days the Green Crack is the only plant showing adverse effects. I'll show pics later in the line-up. But it looks like it's getting burnt.

Pics are from 16 days to 17? days



Well-Known Member
I forgot to add that on the last watering I gave straight water and a light spray with distilled water hoping to help the Green Crack.

I also added some Roots OreganicsXL beneficial microbes. I added 1 Tblsp. per plant. I decided to dig 2 holes opposite each other. I marked the location with the name marker.

The JTR and Space Dawg are still growing the best. I added a stake to Jack the Ripper cause she was getting her lean on. The Blue Dream is growing, but not that great. And the Green Crack is still getting worse. I'll have close ups in the line up next round of pics.

Like I said though. These pics are about 22 days since i brought them home.



Well-Known Member
I don't really mean to blow this up so quick, but I just started my journal and I'm already 3 weeks in. Also, sorry about any picture quality. I'm taking these on my ipod.

So first up is the Green Crack. She was doing well up until I gave her the neem oil. That's when she started showing signs of being burnt. Its been a few days now and its only gotten worse. I plan on flushing it as soon as possible.

The first pic is from the front, second from the back, the third is an aerial view.
And I added a close up of one of the leaves to show the burn. If anybody can help me out on what it is? I see alot of people are checking it out, but no posts.



Well-Known Member
Next up is the Blue Dream. She's kind of been a picky plant from the start. She's been growing, but not very great. And her leaves have always been kind of droopy. Any advice or help on this one would also be appreciated.

Pics are front, back, and aerial. Day 24 of veg



Well-Known Member
Now, with less than stellar results from the first two, I might think I was fucking up. But these 2 TGA strains are doing very well.

My JTR is getting set to be topped and have a few clones taken off of her. I'll probably do it next week.

Pics are the same. Front, back, and top.



Well-Known Member
Like the last post said. I might think I was doing something totally wrong. But like the JTR, Space Dawg is also looking good.

She's shown strong growth since I brought her home. I haven't decided if I want to top her. But I'll also be taking some clones from her.

Same line-up. Space Dawg Front, back, and top



Well-Known Member
Like I said. I'm going to be taking my limit in clones from the 2 TGA strains. I figure next week some time. The others aren't performing like I would have hoped. I'll probably still flower them or trade them. I already have hopes of getting my hands on a new lady. I don't want to post what she is and jynx it though.

Last of the pics for now. They were all taken about an hour ago, and I'm finally caught up.

Any help would be appreciated on the ladies also. I see people checkin it out.



Well-Known Member
So, this is my Space Dawg plant after 30 days of vegging. I'm about to try my first attempt at taking clones and trimming her up for flowering.

First 2 pics are front and back. The next 2 are after her trim.



Well-Known Member
Here's my JTR plant. She's been growing fast. I did the same things to her that I did to the dawg. Cut some clones off of her and thinned her out. Unfortunately, I had to top her. I didn't want to, but I have a height restriction where I'm at. Next time I have to switch them sooner. On the upside, it should make a beastly clone.

First 2 are front and back before. Then the same after.


From what ive learned microbes are only a factor in organic grows. Synthetic nutes kill the microbes in the soil. I could be wrong but thats how it was explained to me. Good grow bro...keep em green and good luck


Well-Known Member
I was originally going to just buy a tray and dome set up for cloning. But a friend of mine said he had a small homemade cloner I could borrow. It's nothing fancy, just a rubbermaid bin with some small net pots with the bottoms cut out. So I threw a small rockwool cube in each. And I have a small dual air pump powering 2 airstones at the bottom.

I mixed up some clonex rooting juice in the reservoir and ph'd it. I know people said you don't have to but I did anyway. I also had a small packet of clonex gel so I figured I'd double up.

I was originally going to clone all of my ladies, but I don't like the way the Green Crack or the Blue Dream performed. Nonetheless I still took a couple off of the BD. I just removed a couple lower branches. I didn't take pics though.

I had everything ready and started with the hacking. While I was clearing out some space I kept a few extra cuttings just in case. You'll see them in the pics off to the side.

Some of them were a little droopy at first, and a couple just outright died within hours. I didn't really trim the leaves down, in hindsight I wish I would've. I did do a couple. Anyways, I replaced the ones I knew were doomed and kept my fingers crossed. They weren't looking much better and I realized that the rockwool was probably too wet. I don't have a timer for the air pump so it was always on. So I turned it off overnight and they started to perk back up. I didn't think that just the little bubbles would've kept them soaked. Guess I have to keep an eye on them and only turn the pump on when needed.

Anybody got advice or comments? How am I doing so far? I'm thinkin ok for a first timer?



Well-Known Member
From what ive learned microbes are only a factor in organic grows. Synthetic nutes kill the microbes in the soil. I could be wrong but thats how it was explained to me. Good grow bro...keep em green and good luck
Are you referring to the Roots Oreganics xl microbes I put in? I'm not sure if they're for pure organic grows or not. I'm using Advanced Nutrients (aka snake oil) so I'm not sure of the compatibility. Although, a buddy just gave me a brand new can of both the Tarantula and Pirhanna powders. So if my clones make it, they'll be swimming in bacteria and fungi. Thanks for the input either way.


Well-Known Member
In a perfect world, I'd be able to hook all of this up. However the current wiring in my house won't allow it, and I don't have the money to pull new cable yet. Like I said, I wish I could run all of this. I'm sure 6600 watts of power would give a half way descent yield. But I'm only going to be able to run one of the 1000 watts in my flower room. I'll put pics up later.



Well-Known Member
So, It's been about 5 weeks since i brought these ladies home. I would have liked to get them going sooner, but I had some speed bumps to overcome. I decided to only flower the space dawg and jack the ripper right now. I'm going to let the other 2 veg a little longer.

So here's my flower set up. It's a 5 x 5 Growlab. I think it's the GL145? And I'm running a 1000 watt magnetic HPS. If you saw my post before, I have 6600 watts worth of equipment. I just don't have the capabilities to use it all at once. I have a 400 cfm fan split. Half is drawing air straight from outside through my hood and out of the tent. The other half is the exhaust for my tent. I'm using a passive intake system.

I trimmed the girls up just a little more before throwing them in. Tomorrow is their first dark cycle.

Pics are kinda shitty. Space Dawg in front. Jack the Ripper in back.



Well-Known Member
I pulled the first 5 clones out of my homemade cloner the other day. They had the most roots so far. Another five are just about ready to come out today.

A couple pictures of the roots.

