My First Plant... the story of the unknown seed

DarK CHaoTiK

New Member
20161014_162135.jpg 20161014_162057.jpg 20161014_162135.jpg 20161014_162057.jpg So here we are... It is october 14 2016 at approx 4:30 pm est.... So i will start my story here and continuously post my progress and hopefully get some tips along the way to make this a success... So a little about me... I live in canada... I am in my late 30s... I have a daughter.. Wife... Step kids... A pretty normal life... I have been a chronic toker for most of my life... Since about 14 years old if my memory serves me correctly.... I would say i am a connoisseur of marijuana... I have smoked a lot of different strains and always took an interest in what i was smoking as opposed to just smoking to get high... My favorite strain so far being a mango kush and anyone who has ever tried or smelled it will tell you the same that it is some of the best shit out there... Also i DO NOT have a grewn thumb... To be honest anything i have ever had that was living i killed it (plants not people or animals lol)... So anyways i had these seeds i got from something i picked up in the last 5 monthes or so... I always keep my seeds... They were a mix of a bunch of stuff... Not labelled so no idea what to expect... I started the seeds in a cup of tap water... Room temp and then placed in the cupboard... Only 1 survived and got a tap root... Went out... Bought a 1L clay pot and drip tray... Some fafard potting soil mix and rigged an old lamp to reach over the pot with 1 x 13w flourecent (standard coil bulb)... I put the soil in the pot leaving about an inch from the top of the pot... Poked a hole in the middle about a half inch deep with a pencil... Took my germinated seed with a pair of tweezers and dropped it in the hole... It dropped in tap root slightly up but i didnt want to mess with it so i gently covered with soil... A little water basically just spraying the top of the soil and setting up my 13w cfl light about an inch and a half away from the soil and then waited... So this was monday... By wednesday morning i had a sprout... I was amazed since usually i kill everything... So now its friday ... The process has taken since last friday from germination to sprout... I have been running the cfl like an inch and a half away 18/6 moving the light up every day to match the growth of the seedling... Today i upped the game a bit... Got rid of the cfl light and upgraded to 3 x 100 watt output led day light bulbs... 1 from the side and two stronger ones above... I had to move them away a little as there is a bit of a heat signature but for the most part the plant seems less stressed and growing pretty much everytime i go in my closet... I realize my setup is weak and i plan to get a tent and 400w led grow light but i really wanted to be able to get my feet wet with a simple setup... I will add as i go along... Here are a few pics of my seedling and my light setup.... Would love to have some feedback aswell... I am definately a student in the grow game


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GET YOUR PENS! Rain water or distilled water from machine/ store. 3 x 100 overkill now 1 x100 is good now. I made a frame out popsicle sticks and Saran wrap, put it between light and seedling on books = close light, low heat Know diff. between rated watts and actual watts. Read, Read, Read, there are a zillion things to learn. Good luck.
Yeah looks pretty good but I agree with the previous poster 300w is a bit much unless that is to help with temps then I'd leave it be. This is how it works you plant a seed then you scramble for gear building an awesome room around the plant. My first 4 plants survived the entire process and I got around an ounce per plant which back then was decent. These days if I get less than 4 ounces per plant I am pretty pissed. Good luck friend and happy growing
Insted of spending a bunch of money in a bunch of cfls , splitters, extension cords, etc etc. U will end up spending like 200-300 dollars easy just get this grow kit My first grow was with cfls and its. Bitch to readjust them as she grows. Plus u end up spending more. If i could go back in time to my first grow i would get this set. When i got something similar for ma second grow i was so happy and relieved.
Yes i agree tupapa... Only problem is that once i flower i gotta grow stealth... I am in a basement apartment so i have to watch energy consumption so led and a tent is all i can do... Im not using cfl bulbs anymore... Using 40w daytime led bulbs... I only wanted to get the plant started with the single cfl and it worked so now i know i dont need a lot of light at the beginning
Yes i agree tupapa... Only problem is that once i flower i gotta grow stealth... I am in a basement apartment so i have to watch energy consumption so led and a tent is all i can do... Im not using cfl bulbs anymore... Using 40w daytime led bulbs... I only wanted to get the plant started with the single cfl and it worked so now i know i dont need a lot of light at the beginning
Don't get me wrong i have veg a plant in the past with just 8/23 watts cfls for 60+ days it can be done but its to much hassle its easiest with a small 400 watts hps. U also can get if energy is a problem a cheap 8 bulb t5 set up or a 600 wt led i can find good prices for u i will send u a couple of links. GL
I have read a lot about the t5 flourecent lighting... That is definately an option... The price is right too... Up here would cost me about 160... I really like the led and i have heard great reviews from people using led lighting.. Thanks for all your help man... Much appreciated