My first post! Thanks in advance!


New Member
I'll attempt brevity to describe my current situation, and seek your advices on what to do if you were me. I live in Massachusetts with a great roommate who happens to live daily with cancer. Given some of the pain I've seen this guy endure, (especially after chemo treatments!), I've seen firsthand the benefits and pain relief he experiences by smoking weed. His appetite, weight, and mood all increase. You know?

Me, I used to live in Colorado, have smoked recreationally since Reagan was president, grew a decent batch once, long-time proponent of 'license, regulate, and tax like alcohol", (Un-apologetic Leftist Democrat. Word.), and I think I'm in a pretty good spot to become a 'caregiver' to my good friend and roommate.

Here's the initial requests for advices, and I humbly thank you in advance!

1: As a Massachusetts resident, not a lawyer, how does one become a legal, licensed caregiver? What hoops should or must I jump through? How much is this gonna cost?

2: Given a 10'x14' available space in a very damp basement, and abundant native humidity, am I in precarious danger of crop failure? My one and only succesful grow occured in Colorado. I'd like to replicate results!

Thanks in advance for giving a noob a chance!



Well-Known Member
You'll need a dehumidifier or your crop will not produce very well. Can't help you with Mass law.


Well-Known Member
I have three dehumidifiers to combat all my humidity in mine. It works well now, very controllable and consistent with the levels I'm trying to acquire


Well-Known Member
Read Alot of the Forum on DIY or if you have $$ buy a system.
definitely gonna need a Dehumidifier.
i like DWC built very simple but I am a Noob too!


Well-Known Member
I have three dehumidifiers to combat all my humidity in mine. It works well now, very controllable and consistent with the levels I'm trying to acquire
You must have had one hell of a humidity problem, or really tiny dehumidifiers.