My first run at Cannabutter


Well-Known Member
Hi All,
I love R.I.U. A great place to learn.
ok I have made a 1/2 lb butter with one cup of water and 7 grams of Nice White Fire, very fresh.
ground herb and place in oven at 220 for 15- 20 minutes based on bud.
did 15 minutes in the oven, it smelled right to me.
I am using a crockpot and a glass measuring cup as a double boiler.
- started at 6:30 pm,
- current temp of 146 degrees at 7:00 pm, .
the temp will slowly rise to the max temp of the electric slow cooker

I will post as I go.

I am looking for the glossy black color that seems to be the common thread in making butter that is
How it looks when it's ready.
time varies, temp varies in recipes but in the end most every recipe I have read describes the finished product looking the same.

I use a digital thermometer to check all tamps.


Well-Known Member
7:50 pm
read about "blackout butter " recipe in another awesome thread.
I don't know how to give a Rep but the author deserves one!
I am adding the cooling, mixing and reheating as it seems logical and I have lots of time!


Well-Known Member
8:15 pm
Out of crockpot and into cool bath then into fridge to expedite thickening so the butter can be thickened and stirred up with the bud.
I don't know if I will leave it overnight or take a nap and get up and move from. Fridg back to crockpot for final cook.
When I see the magic black gloss I will then strain and put back in fridg to separate the water and the butter.
I plan on three additional washes to remove the chlorophyll.


Well-Known Member
This Butter is to make a Birthday cake for my GF.

I hope she appreciates and has to hold on to keep from Buzzin off the couch!

I used White Fire Bud, 5 grams and 2 grams of keif to make the 7 gram to 1/2 lb ratio that seems to be the norm.
the Bud sure matches it name, a nice one-hit wonder.


Well-Known Member
My cooking gears are smoking from this canna butter.
emulsifacation like oil and vinegar salad dressings are created by harsh agitation.
I think I will Whip my Water Butter Bud Mixture till it holds like a dressing then place in fridge.
I plan on letting it sit a few Hours and then remove and reheat to continue.


Well-Known Member
Still smokin, my brain that is.
I wonder which thing leaches the goodies from the bud?
Is it the cooling and reheating
or the time in the mixed solid state?
in my mind, once solidified the ability for the goodies to leach out of the Bud is reduced compared to a liquid state.
we will see if I am on a good trail in an hour. That will be two hours in the fridge the mix will be some water with a solid butter covering.
I will stir and return to fridge till 50 percent solid then it will go back into the crockpot to slowly bring it back up to 160 plus degrees for an unknown period....
I cant wait to bake with this butter, I am thinking Birthday Brownies!


Well-Known Member
scroll to 1:00am and my butter is screened thru a stocking and pressed with a garlic press to get every drop of goodness then placed in a container with its water.
It will separate overnite and I will wash it tomorrow.
then it's time to BAKE and cook up some brownies too!
I will have to get back to you on "Strength" ,I scraped some butter and put it on some bread, just a little bit. ;-')
I hope it does not keep me awake.